Page 72 of Throwing the Curve

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Why did his parents have to be here? This was the first game Peyton had come to as his girlfriend. Not the fake shit like last time, but honestly his and wearing his jersey to prove it. It was stirring up all kinds of shit in his mind. He really didn’t want to have to do family dinner. All he wanted to do was take her home and fuck her until she looked at him the same way he was feeling right now.

He placed a kiss on her forehead. “To be continued,” he whispered.

“Count on it.”

Ryan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and turned to his family. Kendall smirked at him, and he couldn’t help but laugh at the knowing look on Pete’s face. Okay, maybe he understood a little better where they were coming from. It didn’t make it any less gross that it was his sister, but it made more sense now, how when you were really into someone it kind of took on a life of its own.

“So, who drove?” Ryan asked, looking at his parents and sister.

“I did,” his father replied. “Your sister said she wanted to ride home with Pete.”

“What about you?” He turned to Peyton.

“I left my car at home as discussed.” She rolled her eyes dramatically.

“Good girl.” He smiled to himself when her eyes narrowed at him.

Ryan turned to his family. “So, I’ll see everyone at my place.” Grabbing Peyton’s hand, he squeezed gently. “Ready?”

“I think so.”

Inside the car, Ryan fired it to life. Music blasted through the speakers, and he winced. “Sorry, it gets me in the right headspace to play.”

“Really? I would never have pegged you for a death metal guy. You are just full of contradictions, Mr. Graves.”

“What kind of music would you have pegged me listening to?”

“I don’t know, maybe country rock.”

He flicked to the chart hits channel. “I’ll listen to pretty much anything, but weirdly before a game I like thrasher music. It gets me all pumped up.”

Pulling into traffic, he flicked a glance at Peyton. “Okay, so how was the game with my parents?”

“It was good. I’m glad I had your sister there as a buffer. Kendall definitely made things easier on me. But your parents are nice.”

“We’ll see if you still think that after dinner,” Ryan said.

“Why wouldn’t I like them still?”

He sighed. “They’re pretty invested in my games. I know it always drove Kendall crazy, so I’m hoping they chill out tonight.”

Peyton shifted in her seat, pulling her leg up so she could sit sideways and face him as he drove. “How do you feel about it? You said it drove Kendall crazy. What about you?”

He tightened his hand around the wheel. “I don’t know, it depends.”


“On whether they think I’m living up to my potential or not, I guess. When they think I’m doing great, it’s awesome. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy having people tell them how amazing they are? But when I’m not living up to potential, it can be a bit… annoying I guess is the best word.”

“Well, based on how you played tonight, I can’t imagine they would think you are anything but amazing.”

“Here’s hoping.” He reached across the console and put his hand on her thigh, enjoying the way she shifted into his touch. “Thanks for coming today. I liked having you there.”

“Good, I liked being there.” Peyton ran her fingers gently up and down his arm.

He shifted in his seat. When she touched him like that, he could imagine exactly what her hand would feel like on the rest of his body.Fuck, why did his parents have to be here?He’d much rather be celebrating by christening a few more surfaces with Peyton instead of having dinner with his family. “Did I mention how hot you look in my jersey?”

“I think you mentioned something about it the other night, but I don’t mind hearing it again.”
