Page 76 of Throwing the Curve

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“Nah, it wasn’t too bad. She didn’t have any baby photos to pull out, but I will say it was a bone of contention that she couldn’t find a photo album in your living room. She knows she made one for you.”

“Jesus,” he muttered. “She means well, but I think sometimes she forgets I’m a grown-assed man.”

Peyton snickered. “That’s exactly what you sister said.”

“The grown-assed man part?”

“Yep, direct quote.”

“Should have known.” He sighed and pulled her tighter against him. “Thanks for being here tonight. It was nice.”

“It was yeah.” Peyton snuggled in and let her mind replay over the evening. “It was nice being with a bigger family. Growing up, it was just my mom and I, so I didn’t get to experience having a sibling and the rivalry and memories that go along with that. It was nice to watch.”

“Anytime you want my sister, you’re welcome to her.”

“I might have to take you up on that. She’s pretty awesome.”

Ryan made some weird noise in the back of his throat that could have been agreement or the exact opposite. She couldn’t tell.

“So, you have a couple of days off before you head to New York?”

“Yeah, leave Thursday morning. New York then Detroit, but after that we’re home for eight games, which is unheard of then LA and San Fran. Lots of downtime, which will be nice.”

He slid his arm down her hip and hoisted her, so she was lying on top of him. Peyton laughed and sat up, straddling his lap.

Ryan’s hands rested on her hips, and he shifted his own. The movement brought her down right on top of his cock. She bit back a sigh as he hardened beneath her.

“You gonna miss me while I’m gone?”

“Eh.” She shrugged.

Ryan flexed his hips, pushing his hard cock against her core, and she dropped her head back.My god that felt good.

“You sure you won’t miss me?”

Peyton ground her hips into him. “I’ll miss this.”

“Good thing I’ve got a couple days to fuck you then. By the time I leave, you’ll be so sore you’ll need the reprieve.”

Peyton peeled off her shirt and tossed it to the side. Loving the way Ryan’s eyes darkened as he stared at her chest. “Coach better not work you too hard at practice if you’re going to live up to that promise.”

His hand slid up the leg of her shorts. “Don’t you worry about me.”

Chapter Fifteen

Ryan slung his bag over his shoulder as he walked across the stadium parking lot the next morning. “Yo Pete,” he yelled when he saw his best friend exiting his own vehicle.

“Hey, you all recovered from family dinner?” Pete asked.

“I should ask you the same thing. If you don’t put a ring on my sister’s finger soon, I swear to god, my mom will make your life a living hell.”

Pete grimaced. “Debbie definitely made it clear she feels her daughter should be married rather than living in sin.” He hoisted his own bag onto his shoulder as they walked toward the player entrance. “But after last night, I’m not sure your sister would agree.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ken went on a pretty good tear last night after we got home about how this isn’t the middle ages where she needs to be defined as some man’s wife or some such shit. I don’t know with those two.” Pete rolled his eyes.

“I kind of thought she was going to throw something at my mom when she started talking about you getting the milk for free.”
