Page 82 of Throwing the Curve

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She jackknifed up. Oh my god, there was a tape out there with her giving Simon a blowjob. Who else had he shown? How the hell had he taken it in the first place? How had she not known that he’d videotaped her? Ryan said the angle was good. How was that possible? Her mind played back and forth over that evening. To the hotel room out by the airport where he’d been staying the night before the team had left on the road.

Like a movie, she went over and over that night. Oh my god, she was so naïve. Clearly, he’d planned it all along. He’d been the only one on his team to be staying there. He’d said it was so he could sleep later. After finding out about his wife, she’d realized he’d done it so he could get away with cheating on her, but obviously there’d been more to it than that. He was a bigger piece of carp than she’d ever imagined. How could she have not seen that? So much for always priding herself on being able to read people.

She angrily wiped the tears from her face.

There was no way she was letting him get away with this.

Chapter Seventeen

This had been the longest five days of her life. Waiting for them to get back from their road series to talk with Simon had been almost impossible. But she needed to confront him face to face and not on the phone.

All week at work, she’d been a mess, waiting for the other shoe to drop. She had to get Simon to delete the video. If her employer found out there was a sex tape out there of her, she’d lose her job. The Hawks could pull their contract. Who would hire her to work with at risk youth with something like that out there? Simon needed to fix this.

Peyton sat in her car, anxiously drumming her hands on the steering wheel as she waited for Simon to arrive for practice. She prayed she didn’t run in to Ryan while she was here confronting Simon. The last thing she needed was to deal with him too. Finally, she saw Simon’s Tesla pull up. As he walked across the parking lot toward the entrance, she got out of her car. Conscious of the other players who also were arriving for practice, she squared her shoulders and called his name. His head turned and when he saw her, a smirk split across his face. How had she found him attractive? Now, looking at him, it was so obvious what a snake he was. How had she not seen that before?

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the beautiful Peyton Sharp. To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked loudly as he walked toward her. High-fiving one of his teammates as he walked past him.

He stopped in front of her and scanned her face before wrinkling his nose. “I’m guessing by your face, Ryan talked to you.”

“You took a video of me?”

“Yeah, so?” He shrugged.

“Yeah, so?” she yelled. “Are you fucking kidding me with that?”

“Hey, now, what happened to the girl who didn’t swear?”

“She had a fucking sex video taken of her without her consent, asshole,” she snarled. “How the hell could you take that video without my permission?”

“What’s the big deal?”

“Are you kidding me?” Peyton stared at him. His brow knit with confusion. Was this guy for real? “You took a video of something intimate without my knowledge, Simon. That’s not okay.”

“Come on Peyton. There was no way you would let me film it.”

“EXACTLY! Then you shouldn’t have done it,” she growled.

“But that’s what made it so hot. When a good girl like you gets all down and dirty sucking cock. There’s nothing sexier than that. I wanted to remember it.”

A disgusting, cocky smirk slide across his face and his leer scanned down her body like he was remembering every filthy detail.

“You’re disgusting. Delete the video. It’s bad enough you took it without my permission, but you showed it to your teammates. I don’t deserve that.”

“You might not have, but Golden Boy needed to be taken down a peg.”

Peyton reared back. “You did this to get back at Ryan?”

“Yeah, he was just supposed to pretend to date you, so Carmella didn’t find out. He wasn’t supposed to fuck you himself. You were mine.”

“I wasneveryours, asshole.”

“Well, that video says otherwise, now, doesn’t it?” He waggled his eyebrows at her, then licked his lips. “You were really fucking good, Peyton. I might just have to watch it again before practice.”

“Delete that video, now, or I tell your wife.” Peyton fought to stand tall, despite wanting to cover her arms over her chest to stop him from looking at her.

“What do you think my wife will do?” He laughed. “My wife knows how good she has it. She’s not going to care that I hooked up with some little groupie for a BJ.”

Peyton gritted her teeth. Asshole. “Well, I guess we’ll see about that won’t we?” she challenged.
