Page 79 of Sliding into Home

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Tension tightened his shoulders. “What do you mean he asked?”

“Dial it down, big guy. We were just talking, and he asked what the deal was with us, and I honestly didn’t know what you wanted me to say.”

He folded up the pillow behind his head, so he was sitting more upright for their discussion. “What I want you to say or what I think you’ll agree to say?”

Kia scrambled up, so she was sitting upright on the bed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I know you aren’t all that eager to announce to the world that we’re together.”

She flipped from her knees to a cross-legged position. Her body no longer screamed annoyance as she settled in on the mattress to talk. “Is that what we are? Together?”

“Kia, seriously? Before I left we were together every day.”

“Yeah, but that’s because of Max.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She couldn’t be serious with this. “If it was just about Max, why did I stick around every night after he’d gone to bed? Why have we talked every night since I’ve been here? Why do I beat off thinking about you almost every night?”

“You did that?” She looked at her lap shyly.

“How can you be so in tune with everything to do with Max and so clueless when it comes to yourself? I’m fucking crazy about you. I was when I met you six years ago, and I’m even more so now. How do you not see that?”

“I just don’t want to mess this up and have Max get hurt.”

“Kia, the only way we’re gonna fuck this up is if we keep dancing around what we both want. In case you can’t tell, I’m in. With you, with Max, with us as a family.”

A smile spread across her face. “So we’re doing this for real? We’re telling Max we’re dating.”

“We are abso-fucking-lutely telling Max we’re dating and every other person we see. There’s gonna be no doubt we’re a couple.”

“I don’t know that we need to shout it from the rooftops, but I’d like to tell Max.”

“Does this mean I can finally hold your hand in public?”

She held up her hand. “Let’s not get too carried away.”

He snickered. “What’s your problem with PDA?”

“I don’t know, it just feels a little…” She scrunched up her nose. “Like marking your territory or something.”

He sat up and hooked his finger in the collar of her shirt and jerked her toward him. “Kind of like the big hickey I left on your neck?”

She slapped her hand to the side of her throat. “Oh, my god, you did not?”

He eyed the edge of the bite mark he could just make out from his angle. “I might have.” The mark hadn’t been intentional, but now that it was there, he liked it. She’d probably think it made him a pig, but he didn’t care. He wanted everyone to know she was his.

“How the hell am I supposed to explain that to Max?”

“Wear your hair down and no one will see it.” He tapped the back of her neck where it met her shoulder.

She narrowed her eyes and gave him a mock glare. “You’re lucky I can hide it.”

“Am I?”

“Mm hmm.” She pushed up onto her knees and hovered above him. The collar of her t-shirt gaped, giving him a perfect view of her naked breasts.

“I’m all for a little marking, but I was thinking you could maybe mark me a different way.”

“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?” He hooked his hand in the collar of her shirt and pulled her face to his, so they were just a breath apart.
