Page 35 of The Don

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“Oh, didn’t I tell you? My brothers are returning today with their partners. We will be one big, happy family again. Isn’t that how you like it, stepmother?”

If panic was in human form, it’s beside me now and I’m interested to watch her reaction, but she merely nods and scrapes back her chair. “Lovely. I’ll go and inform Mrs. English to make up their rooms.”

As she scurries away, I’m guessing Mrs. English is the last person she’s informing, and it makes me wonder about the game she is playing.

“Is this wise?” Chastity interrupts and I shrug. “What do you think?”

“This could be our break.” She whispers. “There was a reason she asked me, and it may help us.”

“No!” I say with a loud determination, causing her to raise her eyes.

“Why not?”

“Because things have changed.”

“What things?”

I’m frustrated as I try to explain something I don’t even know myself and say irritably, “Don’t question me and eat something. We have a long day ahead of us, and I can’t give you any answers right now.”

“Why not?” She presses on and I thump my fist on the table and shout, “Because I can’t operate normally with you in my head.”

She stares at me in horror as I whisper, “You should have just let me fuck you yesterday, because that’s all I can think of. You are driving me crazy and it’s messing with my mind. One minute I’ve got you figured out, the next you do something that makes me question my own sanity.”

“You want to fuck me?” She appears amused at that, and I snap, “What’s so funny?”

“You are.”

“I’m no fucking comedian.”

“You’ve got that right.” She slides her hand in mine and leans in, whispering, “Then what are you waiting for?”

I stare at her in confusion, and she nods toward the beach.

“What about now? I kind of like the idea of messing around in the ocean. Are you up for it?”

She doesn’t even wait for a reply before she takes off across the terrace and races down the steps to the private beach.

I follow her quickly because this is the kind of crazy I am definitely not used to and follow a trail of clothing that leads to the water’s edge. I watch as she dives into the surf and surfaces like a sea goddess and waves, “Come on, it’s amazing.”

I don’t even hesitate and tear off my clothes with an urgent haste because as God is my witness, I want this more than anything and until I get her out of my head, I can’t even think straight. One fuck is all it will take to return to business as usual, and when we leave this ocean, I will be firmly back in charge.



There is something so incredibly intoxicating about Leo Ortega. So serious most of the time, but with many layers that never fail to amaze me. One minute he’s cruel, guarded and obnoxious and the next sweet, loving, and kind. I love every side of him, the darkness in particular and the softer side that comes out against his will, turns me on just as much as the ruthless bastard he portrays to the world.

I know he wants me, and I feel the same. The sexual tension has risen to a point it may destroy us if we don’t give in and this is the perfect moment for that. To fuck, to sate the thirst we are both living with and then to carry on as before, because being with him is weakening me in every way.

The view is incredible and I’m not talking about the scenery. It’s him as he strips to nothing and strides purposefully into the water with a feral gleam in his eye. A predator, a hunter stalking his prey and a delicious shiver passes through me as I anticipate something that has been building since that original poker game.

I don’t even pretend to get away and as he dives into the ocean and surfaces just in front of me, I lick the salt from my lips, my eyes flashing with desire.

He wastes no words and merely grabs my head and pulls me hungrily toward him and as our lips clash and his tongue claims mine, the heat of the sun is nothing compared to our desire.

My legs wrap around his waist as I kiss him back, biting his bottom lip making him groan and as he pulls me in closer my clit drags on his rigid shaft, causing me to say with a needy breath, “You feel so good.”

“I can feel better.” He whispers against my lips and shifts my body, so I slide down onto his hard cock, the sensation of him entering me causing me to groan out loud.
