Page 55 of The Don

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Ryan grins, obviously enjoying the whole sinister plot, and Dom laughs. “That I can’t wait to see.”

My cell rings and I note my brother’s name and say quickly, “Matteo.”

“I’ve discharged myself. Send a car and I’ll be there in thirty.”

I laugh softly, knowing there is nothing I can say to stop him leaving. “Consider it done.”

As I cut the call, I turn to Ryan. “Send a car for my brother with protection. I don’t trust Matasso, and the safest place for Matteo is with us. Arrange a medical team on standby to care for him here.”

Ryan nods and starts texting madly and Dom nods. “We need him with us. I don’t like him being at risk in the hospital, no matter how many guards we have there.”

“I feel the same, brother.”

I stretch and say with a heavy sigh. “Now we need to run over the plan of what happens if we fail and if we succeed. It’s going to be a long morning.”

Dom nods. “It’s important we get it right.”

I dash off a text of my own to Mrs. English because we will need coffee and lots of it to get us through.



Ican tell they’re nervous. Neither one of them thinks this is a good plan, but I may have fooled them into believing its Leo’s idea.

The fact their men are otherwise occupied works in my favor and as we meet at the front entrance, I desperately try to calm the raging nerves that are threatening to ruin my plans.

Flora resembles her sister so much it’s actually scary and Abigail casts a critical eye over me as I join them.

“You look great, Chas.” She smiles, but I note the worry behind it, and I nod gratefully.

“Thanks for your help.”

Abigail has worked a miracle, and I am dressed under my trench coat like the common whore Carlos is expecting. I have a blonde wig in my purse and some red lipstick because she told me the bolder the shade is the perfect war paint.

Thisiswar. Make no mistake about that and this time I’m diving behind enemy lines to stage a surprise attack.

Flora smiles bravely and says quickly, “We should go. We don’t have long until lunch.”

Abigail looks worried. “I wish I could help, but Matteo is due back any minute.”

I sympathize so much with my new friend because he banned her from being with him at the hospital in case she was targeted, too. It makes me realize what this life has to offer. The sins of the men are transferred to their women, and they pay a heavy price for love. It’s why I am determined to rid our world of one lethal threat and to rid my heart of the blackest revenge. It’s now or never, so as we bid Abi a fond farewell, I step into the waiting black car with Flora, who smiles at me reassuringly.

As the soldier slams the door, I still can’t believe we made it this far. We told Mrs. English we needed to pop out to grab some items for Matteo and pay a visit to the hairdressers. She obviously didn’t think anything of it and because our men are deep in conversation and planning, she wouldn’t interrupt such an important meeting for a trivial reason.

We leave the Ortega mansion, and my nerves are racing as Flora grasps my hand and whispers sweetly, “You don’t have to do this.”

“I do.” I stare at her with the cold, dead eyes of an assassin, and she recoils slightly. “Leo is paying me for the hit.”

I state the original agreement and she shakes her head sadly.

“I wish it was different. I thought…”

“That we were together.” I force a smile when my heart is breaking inside. “No. It was all for appearances. Leonardo Ortega has only one thing on his mind and that is the Ortega Family. I am part of a contract and will be rewarded well for my work.”

I smile bravely. “Don’t worry about me, Flora. I’ll always be good. I’m tougher than I look.”

To my surprise, she hugs me close and whispers, “Thank you.”
