Page 25 of Brutal Sinner

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As always, he stops in front of me and places his hand on my head, uttering a prayer for my soul. Then he says brusquely, “Sit.”

I react quickly and scurry to the chair and he stares at me long and hard and says angrily,

“A whore is a bottomless pit; a loose woman can get you in deep trouble fast. She’ll take you for all you’ve got; she’s worse than a pack of thieves.”

I say nothing and he barks. “Name the proverb.”

I begin to shake. “I can’t.”

Once again, he steps forward and slaps me hard around the face, causing me to cry out.

“Proverbs 23:27-35.”

He yells, “Say it!”

I struggle to remember what he even said and as I hesitate, he slaps me again so hard I fall off the chair to the wooden floor.

I’m shocked when he throws the pitcher of water over me and leans down, grabbing my hair as he yells, “I will drive the devil from inside you, whore. You will not steal from me.”

“I don’t understand.” I’m foolish to even speak because he grips my face hard and his eyes flash as he hisses, “Do not speak unless asked a direct question. You will be punished for that.”

He violently pushes me toward the table and forces me roughly down, face first and holding my neck with one hand, lifts my dress with the other, ripping down my panties with an angry growl. I tense in disbelief as he rains hard blows with his hand on my ass, causing me to cry out in pain. It only increases his anger, and the blows are harder, even more painful as they hit the already damaged skin. It’s immeasurable agony and I choke on my sobs as he punishes me so severely, I doubt I’ll be able to sit on the chair for a week.

Then he pulls me off the table and throws me down hard on the mattress, winding me slightly and wincing from the pain of his punishment, and he roars, “You have learned nothing. You are a useless piece of trash who is unfit to be a mother.”

My blood runs cold as he sneers, “Your bastard child is better off without you. You have just days to learn the bible and if you don’t quote every word at my request, your child will be sent away forever.”

“No!” I yell, my pain forgotten as I find strength from somewhere and as he stares at me with cold derision, I do something I doubt either of us was expecting, and I fall to my knees and clench my hands together. “Please, sir. I’m begging you. Please don’t send my daughter away. I, well, I love her with all my heart, and I will do anything to bring her back to me.”

He stares at me with a blank expression, but his silence tells me I’ve surprised him.

For a moment, he says nothing at all as I bow my head and whisper, “Please, sir. I’ll do everything you say. Just give me my baby back.”

A shiver passes through me as he whispers, “She also lieth in wait as for a prey, and increaseth the transgressors among men.”

I haven’t a clue what he’s talking about and as he starts pacing the room, I start to shiver.

He is mumbling almost to himself, as if he is arguing with his own mind, and then he stops and says in a strangely eerie voice, “Come with me.”

I don’t hesitate and stand as he leaves the room, expecting me to follow. My heart is thumping so hard because I am free for a moment. Free of the room and possibly free of the task he set me.

He leads me to a door set three doors away and as he enters, my heart almost gives out on me when I see we’re in his bedroom. A wooden bed is the only large object in the room with a simple wooden table set beside it with the bible placed on the polished surface.

There is another door that must lead to his closet, and he says with a strange tone to his voice, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

I don’t know what the hell is happening right now, and he opens the door and I see a small cupboard with nothing inside. It’s effectively a wooden box.

“Get inside.” He says roughly and I start to back away, shaking my head. “No.”

His hand reaches out and snaps around my wrist and he says cruelly, “I will not be tempted by you, whore. My punishment for temptation is to lie with you away from my sinful touch.”

He sneers, “You will spend the night in your prison as a punishment for trying to tempt me. I will be strong; I’ll know you are close, but I must resist. It will be my penance for wicked thoughts. My test.”

I struggle as he pushes me inside the confined space and scream as he slams the door shut and slides a bolt in place. I can see him through the latticed front and his cruel face leans against the panel and he whispers with a ragged breath, “You will not be my temptation, whore.”

“Please. I’m begging you, don’t do this.”

I whisper, trying so hard not to crumble and he slams his fist against the wood and yells, “Enough!”
