Page 58 of Brutal Sinner

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They stop and stare at us and say with a friendly nod, “Ladies.”

They stare at me with a curiosity that doesn’t go unnoticed, and Bonnie says loudly, “Hey guys, come and meet Sinner’s old lady and his adorable daughter, Hope.”

As they turn to look at me, I register the surprise on their faces and one of them shakes her head and says loudly, “Oh fuck. Another one bites the dust.”

Her friend nudges her and they grin as they head my way and I prepare to meet a couple of so-called whores, not really knowing what to expect.



I’m not sure this is such a good idea but recognize it needs to be done sooner rather than later.

When Faith told me she wanted to head to the bar tonight, the anxiety hit me hard.

Now she looks a million dollars as she heads down the stairs, a vision in tight jeans and a pretty white top. Her hair styled in bouncy waves and her make-up natural but designed to give her the confidence she will need.

“They did a good job, huh?” She spins around as she references the two whore’s work who couldn’t wait to get their hands on her.

I was worried when she struck up a friendship with Beth and Peony, although I needn’t have worried. They are the sweetest girls, who are waiting out their time here until they decide what happens next. They call themselves whores, the Reapers call them fallen angels. Women we’ve rescued from unhappy beginnings who are given a place to stay while they figure out their next move.

Some move on quickly, others hang around, happy in the life we provide. If I was worried that Faith would find that difficult to cope with, I couldn’t be more wrong.

It’s been three days since we arrived here, and I have loved every minute of it. We are a family, and I am falling harder for both of my girls every single minute that ticks by.

I love watching a movie with Hope resting her sweet soft head on my naked chest, as Faith sits beside me, her fingers tangled in mine as we enjoy quiet time away from the madness, content to be together.

Then when Hope sleeps, we make up for lost time and there is no inch of my woman I haven’t explored several times over. Sex comes so naturally to me and Faith. As if we knew the lines before we even read the script. She is everything I ever wanted and never deserved, and we have spoken at length about our demons, putting them to rest so they don’t continue with us on our journey.

However, tonight there is one fucking big demon who needs to be slain and a loud knock on the door tells me that moment has arrived.

I head to open it and find Lou, Brewers’ wife, waiting on the porch and she smiles. “Hey, Sinner. It’s judgment day.”

She laughs softly because she’s seen this all before. A woman’s first time in the compound bar is make or break for the Reaper who brought her there. Not many understand our ways and it’s a hard ask, but I’m hoping Faith will see beyond the lecherous Reapers and accept it for what it is. A place to relax and recover from the horrors of the day. To let off steam and mix with like-minded people who have the best hearts and intentions wrapped in sin.

As we prepare to head outside, Lou winks at Faith. “Hey, honey. Don’t you worry about a thing. I know where you are if Hope wants her mommy. Although she’s such an angel, I doubt I’ll hear a cry from her all night.”

It amuses me how Brewer’s old lady has taken Faith under her wing. They were introduced the day we arrived and have struck up an easy friendship. Lou is older than most of the Reapers old ladies and she tells a good story. She also knows exactly how to deal with this life and is respected by everyone and adored by them all.

“Thanks, Lou.” Faith smiles and I immediately contemplate sending Lou home. Faith looks so gorgeous tonight I’d rather just spend the night buried deep inside her. However, even I realize she needs to mix and understand this life, so with an irritable sigh, I say wearily, “Let’s get this shit over with.”

Lou raises her eyes as Faith looks worried and smiles warmly. “Keep an open mind, honey. You’ve met some of the Reapers already and some of the girls. The only shocking thing is when the two halves meet, it causes a few explosions.”

She winks as I say with a tortured groan. “If Faith hates me after tonight, I’m holding you responsible, Lou.”

“I’m just telling it how it is. You’ll be fine.”

Lou winks at Faith, who looks a little worried, and I hold out my hand and say gruffly, “Come on, darlin’. It’s time to face your fears.”

“More like yours, Sinner.” Lou laughs as she settles on the couch and opens her book. “Don’t be back too soon. I’m grateful for some ‘me’ time away from the shit waiting at home.”

Faith looks concerned and so I add, “Lou’s son Jack can be a bit of a handful, as I’m sure you’ve already discovered.”

Faith grins. “He was fighting with Cassie earlier, and they didn’t see Ryder coming.”

“What happened?” I grin because Cassie is a lot like her father, and he encourages her more than he reprimands her.

“He made them fight it out supervised.” Faith shakes her head as Lou laughs.
