Page 55 of Return to McCall

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Lily nodded and lay back against the pillows for a moment, her eyes fluttering closed. “I think there’s a wake rocking the boat, and it’s making me sleepy.”

“Don’t even think about falling asleep, Miss Larimar.” Alex laughed, “And that rocking you’re feeling was our handiwork.” Alex traced the line of her cheek with the tip of her finger, kissing her forehead as she got up and headed for the bathroom. “I’ll be back in one minute.”

“Maybe just a little nap, then.” Lily’s words were muffled by the duvet as she curled into the center of the bed and nearly disappeared under the pile of satiny soft, white pillows. She was teasing Alex, actually; orgasms like that usually put her right to sleep, but she didn’t want to miss a minute of this night with Alex. She listened to the bathroom door shut and sat up, running a hand through her tangle of hair and looking out the double glass doors to the black, shimmering expanse of water.

She got up and looked around for something to wrap herself in, but the only thing she found was the charcoal knit blanket at the foot of the bed. She wrapped that around her and opened the sliding glass doors that led to a teakwood balcony with a polished brass railing. The dense trees on the island were lit up with fireflies sparking the darkness with random points of light, and night birds swooped low over the calm surface of the lake, their wings rippling the surface of the water as they glided over it with silent intention.

Lily had never been in love. The closest she’d come was…well, never. In LA, there was so much noise, so much jostling and distraction that it was like trying to canoe across a lake in a tornado. The harder you paddled, the more the wind and water pushed back until you found yourself spinning slowly in dark, choppy water with no memory of where you were trying to go.

With Alex, everything was different. The water was calm, smooth, and quiet; every stroke of the paddle, every kiss, every intensely intimate moment moved them smoothly across the water to the deepest part of the lake. And the silent ripples rolling outward from her paddle as it cut into the slick surface of the water were changing every part of her.

Lily smiled as Alex stepped behind her and wrapped her up in her arms. She leaned back into Alex’s chest and took the crystal tumbler of whiskey she held out for her, a single square cube of ice clinking into the silence.


“Hey, not all of us are little whiskey badasses,” Alex said, kissing her neck and pulling Lily closer. “Some of us need an ice cube.”

Lily drew in a long breath of the whiskey, the vapors lingering in a sweet, slow burn at the top of her palate. She sipped, then handed it back to Alex. “No shame in the ice game, Suarez. You like what you like.”

The ice clinked and settled in the glass as Alex drank and set it on the railing beside them, her hands sinking to Lily’s hips and pulling them back into hers. Lily turned to face her, her eyes sparkling as she met Alex’s gaze. “Is that for me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Alex’s fingertips grazed Lily’s clit, then dipped deep into the wet heat of her before Alex raised them to her mouth, her eyes closed, as if memorizing the taste of her. Lily traced the outline of the leather harness across Alex’s hips with her fingertips. The harness had replaced clothes, the strong, beveled edges of the black leather mirroring the defined cuts and angles of her body.

Lily turned to face the railing again, letting the blanket slip down her body and puddle around their ankles on the deck. She heard Alex groan behind her, her hands on Lily’s hips and then felt the words, warm against the delicate skin of her neck.

“Are you sure?”

Lily nodded, guiding Alex’s hand to the back of her neck as she leaned forward over the railing and arched her back into a deep curve as Alex pressed her thighs apart with one of her own. Alex stroked Lily’s clit lightly with the cock, then pressed it inside her, achingly slowly, shifting her hand from the back of Lily’s neck to her shoulder, pulling her back onto it until their hips met.

Lily’s breath caught, and Alex stilled, her words soft behind her. “Is it too much, baby?”

“God, no…I need you deeper.” Her voice was a rough whisper, and she reached back to pull Alex’s hips closer. “I need you to fuck me. Really fuck me.”

Alex groaned and moved all the way inside, her breath deepening as Lily slid her hand underneath them, sliding her slick fingertips over Alex’s swollen clit with every stroke. Alex held Lily’s shoulder with one hand and her waist with the other as she fell into a gentle rhythm.

“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Alex whispered, her voice a deep scrape of desire. “You’re so fucking beautiful. I love watching your ass move.”

Her hand sank from Lily’s shoulder all the way down her back to grasp her hips, pulling them back against her cock with every rhythmic stroke.

“Baby.” Alex slowed her pace slowly and leaned down to whisper in Lily’s ear. “Come to bed with me. I need you to watch me come.”

Alex turned her and picked her up, wrapping Lily’s legs around her waist as she carried her to bed. Fireflies followed them inside, caught up in cool breeze coming off the water, and Alex left the doors open as she lay down on the bed, Lily still sitting across her hips. Lily’s hair was wild, her chest flushed pink, her thighs glossed with sex as she sat back on Alex’s cock, Alex’s hands warm around her hips. She reached behind her to steady herself on Alex’s thighs as she began to move inside her. Lily moved her hips with the same rhythm, her clit slicking across the smooth leather harness every time Alex stroked deep inside.

“Lily.” Alex bit her lip, drinking in the sight of Lily’s naked body riding her, meeting every thrust. “I’m…”

Lily smiled, leaning down to kiss her, her fingertips lingering over Alex’s tense nipples as she sat back up. “Come for me, Alex.” She held Alex’s eyes as she reached down, slicking her soaked, swollen clit. “I want to watch you come inside me while I ride you.”

Alex wrapped her hands around Lily’s hips and took over, thrusting into her as Lily leaned closer, whispering into her ear as Alex shuddered to an orgasm underneath her. After a few minutes, when her breath finally slowed, Alex kissed her long and deep, then pulled Lily down onto the bed. She tossed the harness onto the bench at the foot of the bed and settled in behind her, pulling the cool, fluffy duvet over both their bodies. The sound of the water lapping gently against the boat and Alex’s warm body behind her lulled Lily to the edge of sleep within just a few breaths.

“Lily.” Alex’s voice was a mix of softness and strength Lily had never heard. “Since the day we met, I haven’t been able to close my eyes at night without seeing a future with you.”

Lily held her breath as Alex pulled her closer, then turned over to meet her eyes, her words soft as thought against Alex’s lips. “I love you too.”

Alex wrapped Lily tight in her arms and they drifted into sleep together, the fireflies still pricking the darkness around them with golden light.

hapter Fourteen
