Page 13 of Mile High Contract

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I shrug. “I might. If I’m in the mood.”

“Well, I’ll be there. Make sure you say hi. I’ll be milling around.”

Yes, he will. Jim likes to watch. Thankfully he stays fully clothed in a tuxedo and doesn’t try to participate out in the open like a lot of people. I’ve used the club myself a couple of times, but I prefer the private rooms with the anonymous subs who don’t ask questions and do as I say.

We end the call and I log into the program I use for this application. I input the details, and after double and triple checking them, I send out a mass notification to all thousand-plus users of the app. Then, I log into the users’ details to ensure everyone is up-to-date on their $1,500 annual payments. Those whose are coming up, I send out individual notifications to their phones to remind them payment is due. This is something only I do. If something were to happen to me, Jim would be fucked because nobody in my company knows about this. I have the application hidden on my computer so even IT can’t find it. I’m the only one who’ll be complicit in anything should something go down.

The three million a year I make on this app I share with Jim. He makes more than I do though, as he charges $500 at the door as well, to access the Mile High Rooms. That’s real expensive pussy. To be fair, he does have to set everything up, provide equipment, toys, cleaning products, lube, condoms, and then pay the sex workers. They earn tips, too. He once told me some of these men and women only work once a month. His club is their entire monthly income.

Good for them.

Though, I’m fairly sure what Jim is doing isn’t exactly legal. You have to get licenses to run sex clubs in Colorado and I’m about 99% positive it has to be an all-consensual club, where people are just there for enjoyment, not getting paid. I did suggest to him once that he should just let them work for tips, but he said that wouldn’t work. We hadn’t discussed it since.

Not my problem...

Which is why I’d only visited there once or twice. Last thing I need is to be arrested for solicitation. No, thank you. I could get my own dates without paying for it. Though I know most of the people who utilize the club do so to avoid the angst of relationships and casual hookups. They want a release with zero strings. That, I could certainly understand. Some go there as couples to explore other sides of themselves without using the sex workers, which is totally legit.

Speaking of... I have a date with Ella tonight. She’s always down for a good time.




Melinda looks at mewith genuine regret in her eyes. I can see it, it’s soul-deep. She really hates having to do this, and I can tell she’s fighting back tears. But I’m hurt, too.

“I’m so sorry, Taryn. We have to make cuts. Unfortunately, you’re the first.”

What I want to say is—maybe you don’t need a secretary fetching coffee and answering phones for you—but I don’t. Go ahead and fire your only IT person. See what happens next time someone downloads a virus or can’t figure out why the update to their PC crashed it.

“I understand,” I reply quietly, standing from my chair in her small office.

“You’ll be given a month’s salary as a severance on your last paycheck. I have no doubt you’ll be able to find another job quickly. You’re so skilled and talented,” my boss finishes, still looking remorseful.

I know it can’t be easy for her either. I’ve been working here for four years. And while I can admit, no, I don’t do eight hours of work every day, I am a useful commodity here. Every time they got new software, or their computers needed updates, it was me who did everything. I even manually installed all equipment. I love doing the manual stuff. I’ve lost count of how many computers I’ve built or how many I’ve taken apart and put back together again with upgraded guts.
