Page 77 of Mile High Contract

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“C’mon, let’s go to the little girls’ room,” Quinn says, grabbing Taryn’s arm.

Taryn looks at me. “Order me a vodka soda and some of those yummy garlic brussels sprouts.”

I nod as they walk off.

The server comes over, flirts heavily with the three of us, and takes drink and appetizer orders. As she walks away, Declan stares at her ass a little too long.

Since it’s just me and the guys briefly, I ask, “Listen. Are you guys going to hit up the Mile High Rooms next weekend?”

Lincoln shakes his head. “I told you, I got rid of the app. What do I need it for?”

I glance toward the bathrooms, then back to him. “You could take your lady there for some fun. There are always couples there looking to let loose.”

Declan scoffs. “Which is why I rarely go, not a lot of single girls and I don’t pay for it.”

Lincoln replies, “First off, I have my own playroom full of equipment and have no need to utilize the Mile High Rooms. Secondly, we just found out she’s pregnant and now I feel like I have to treat her like an egg that’s about to crack.”

A smile widens my face. “That’s awesome, man. Congratulations!”

A rare grin lights up his otherwise serious countenance. “Thank you. My brother and cousin are popping out litters of children, it seems. Figured we better get started if we want our kids to have cousins their own age. It was just time, you know? My cousin Roman was like a brother to me and Nathan growing up. I really cherished it, and he’s an only child so it helped him growing up with us.”

“Totally get it, man,” Declan says. “My best friend is my cousin Joe.”

“Hey,” I say. “What am I, chopped liver?”

He chuckles. “Nah, you’re my best pal, too.”

I knew we were being immature and stupid. Eric’s always been my closest friend, and I wonder briefly how the dynamic will change with my group of friends once he’s out.

The server drops off our drinks and tells me the appetizer will be out shortly.

I lift my scotch. “To Linc and all the new heirs to the Silverstone Brewing empire.”

Lincoln smiles again and we all clink our glasses in a toast.

“So, why were you asking about the Mile High Rooms?” Declan inquires.

“Well, I’m taking Taryn next weekend. She was there once before—remember I told you how she hacked my shit then snuck in? Well, this time, we’re going as a couple. I made her sign a contract.”

Delcan’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “Youwhat? What for?”

“The app makes you sign a contract to download it and access the club already,” Lincoln points out.

I grin. “I modified it. So she wouldn’t hook up with anyone else while there.”

Declan lifts a brow. “You actually think she’d do that?”

I shake my head. “Not even remotely. But I had to be sure. I told her she could go there alone but she wasn’t allowed to touch anyone or let anyone touch her. You need to remember she’s younger than us—only twenty-six and doesn’t have much experience.” I refrain from telling them I took her V-card and that she’d only ever been with one other guy since. “It was more of a playful thing.”

“You gonna make her sign a prenup, too?” Lincoln asks, lifting the drink to his lips.

“Uh, I hadn’t thought about that. I don’t think so? I mean, I’ve known her all my life. She isn’t the gold-digging kind.”

“Money changes people,” Lincoln points out.


Just then, the girls arrive at the table, and they both look distressed. I wonder why they were in the bathroom so long, but I’ve learned not to question women about that shit unless I want a detailed, graphic answer.
