Page 85 of Mile High Contract

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“Can you at least tell me where it’s at so I can maybe watch from the outside to see what kind of people go in?” she asks. “I’ve lived here all my life and this is the first I’m hearing of this. I know about that big kink club with the ranch theme that’s around here, and I’ve been there once, but there were too many weirdos and old people,” she says.

I make a face. “Old people, seriously?”

“I mean, not old like my grandparents but closer to my parents’ age, maybe a little younger. 40s and 50s. No thanks.”

“Well, this one doesn’t have a location. It moves around.”

“All right, send me the info on the app,” she says.

I briefly consider just downloading my bootlegged copy I’d stolen from Carter’s computer onto her phone, but there’s no way I’m risking it.

“Okay, I can send you a link to download it, but there’s a huge catch.”

She looks at me leerily, holding a sushi roll on chopsticks at her mouth. “What is it?” She pops the roll between her lips.

“It costs fifteen hundred bucks to download.”

She starts to choke on the roll and I hand her a glass of water, which she downs. After she calms and her face turns back to a normal shade, she says, “What!”

“Yeah, plus 500 at the door. It’s definitely for the hoity-toity,” I say with a smile.

“Rich boys like yours who can afford that.”

“Two grand for a night is nothing to someone like Carter. I saw him spend more on a bottle of champagne when he took me out with his friends a few weeks back.”

She snorts. “Why do you think I want access to this club? I need to find me a daddy.”

“Girl, you do not need a daddy. You just need someone nice who wants to take care of you,” I say, smearing wasabi on my roll.

“True. So are you going back to this club?” she asks me.

“I’m not sure. Probably. As a couple of course. We’re going shopping for more toys this weekend, probably gonna have a playroom built in his house. Sounds like fun,” I say.

“Yes, it does. So you’re really serious about Carter, huh?” she asks, sipping her martini.

I can’t help the smile that finds my face. “I really am. We already said the L word and have been talking about moving in together. Into his place, of course.”

“Yeah, you need to get out of that condo, move up to something bigger and nicer. You’ve earned it. You still gonna save your mom’s place for Eric?” she asks.

I nod. “Yep. In fact, he called a few days ago. He’s getting out early—November now! So we have to get the house together even quicker.”

“That’s great news, Tar. I’m really happy for you. But hey, I think you’re making great progress on it so far. Let your brother pitch in when he gets out, it shouldn’t all fall on you, especially since he’ll be living there practically for free.”

She’s right.

“He did mention wanting to pitch in and help, so I think I’ll let him. I’ll keep at it when I have time, but I’m not gonna bust my ass. It has every creature comfort aside from anything super modern in it, so I’ll let him make it his own,” I say.

Christa smiles before popping another roll in her mouth. “And your brother, he’s single, right?”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Yes, his girlfriend dumped him about six months into his sentence.”

She hisses a breath. “Ouch, harsh.”

I shrug one shoulder. “Not really, I mean would you wait six years for a guy? I fucking wouldn’t.”

“It depends. I mean if we were married with kids I might, but just as a boyfriend, probably not,” she answers. “So, is he cute or what?”

“You seriously want to meet my brother?” I ask, laughing.
