Page 23 of Sinful Boss

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“I’ll walk ya out.”

She gets up and escorts me down the hallway, through the bar, and out into the restaurant, where Nate is waiting for me.

“I hope y’all have a great weekend,” she says to us, and then disappears into the back.

We both watch her walk away, and Nate turns to me. “You were back there quite a while.”

“Yep. Consider yourself fortunate you stayed up front here.”

We head out toward my car.

“Why?” he asks.

I begin to tell him everything, leaving out the graphic dialogue from the audiobook, but skim over it. Nate, of course, is doubled over laughing. There’s no way he could understand the level of mortification I felt. Although, I’m sure hers was much worse.

Good to know she likes it spicy, though. I’ll tuck that morsel away for later.


As soon as I walk into my house, movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I see a little gray tail sticking out from under the credenza and I grin.

“I see you still don’t trust me, Kitty,” I say, setting my briefcase down on the dining room table and taking off my jacket. I go into the cupboard and pull out the bag of cat treats Lucas bought and shake a few into my hand.

I crouch in front of the credenza and open my hand. “Do you want a treat, little one?”

She slowly emerges, looks up at me, and hisses.

I chuckle. “Oh, you’re so scary. C’mon, grab a snack.”

She stares at me with big green eyes then down at my hand. She sniffs the treats then looks at me again. I decide to leave them on the floor and back away to see what she does.

That seems to do the trick as she slowly comes out, looks around, and then quickly gobbles up the treats. Of course, she goes right back under the table.

I laugh and head into my room for a shower. Once I’m clean, I walk into my room and pick up my phone, hoping the secret code has been delivered to the app by now. I log into the app that costs me five-hundred dollars a year just to access and put my thumbprint in.

The wordsGREEN LIGHTpop up in flashing green letters then disappears from the screen five seconds later. I tap the screen again to see a Greenwood Village address. I grin and set the phone down, going to my closet to decide what to wear. I settle on all black—jeans, Henley tee, shoes. As I fasten my watch, I look out through the floor-to-ceiling window. I can see the night is calm, a few wisps of clouds playing in front of a full moon. I have a feeling tonight is going to be, for lack of a better word, freaky.

In the kitchen, I reheat some Korean leftovers and watch the cat play with one of her toys. I’m far enough away that I guess she feels comfortable coming out of hiding. I’ve had her for three days, and she constantly hides. Lucas says she’ll come out more as she gets more comfortable. So far, aside from having to clean out the litterbox, having a cat is pretty cool. I’m already attached to the cute little thing. Maybe one day, she’ll let me brush her with the cat brush Lucas picked up.

After dinner, I feel kind of foolish as I say, “Bye, Kitty. I’ll be back later,” and chuckle to myself, wondering what Nate and Roman would say if they knew I got a cat, and that I was talking to it.

In my garage, I see the black Bentley I use every day, my Mercedes convertible, my BMW i8 Roadster, and my black Combat P51 Fighter motorcycle. Being it’s summer, I’m definitely taking the bike. I fish the helmet from the shelf in the garage, slide it on, and head to Greenwood Village to let off some steam and sexual tension that Quinn put me through today.

I fly through the night on my bike, feeling free and excited to cut loose tonight. I really need it. After only a short drive, I pull up to my destination. Double-checking the GPS on my phone, I ensure I’m at the right place. An all-black warehouse-looking structure stands in front of me with expensive cars and bikes parked in the lot. The area surrounding me is nothing but industrial, and the night is so quiet, my ears ring slightly after I kill the bike’s engine. I leave the helmet on the bike, not interested in lugging it around. My hands will be too busy.

I walk up to the front door, and a young man in a suit greets me. “Password, sir.”

“Green Light,” I reply.

“App?” He points to my phone.

I open the app, and he scans it with his own phone. “Enjoy your evening, sir.”

The smell of sex and liquor hits me immediately. The place is completely blacked out, save for red lights. To my right, a man has a woman bent over a padded workhorse and is pounding into her ass as she moans, her mouth dropped open, her eyes closed. To my left, one man has his head between a woman’s legs, and another man has his cock in her mouth. They are all moaning. I can feel my dick start to swell in anticipation at all the sights and sounds.

I walk down the aisle and head toward the private sub rooms. Another man in a suit with his hands clasped in front of him greets me with a nod. “Hello, sir. Rooms six, four, and ten are occupied. The rest are open. One and two contain men. The rest contain women.”

“Thank you,” I murmur, making my way down the hall. I stop at room three and open the door. Multiple toys and devices hang on the wall. A St. Andrew’s cross is at the back of the room. There’s a woman wearing nothing at all lying on a large bed covered in a silky black comforter. Her skin is alabaster white, and her large hips and huge tits catch my eye. Her hair is as black as the bedclothes and the walls. A single red light illuminates the space.
