Page 41 of Sinful Boss

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Gah. Chain beer.

“I’ll have a gin and tonic please,” I say.

“Coming right up,” he says and then walks off.

I look at Quinn, who’s staring at me with her chin propped on her hand. “That’s great news. I’m so happy for you. Is it effective immediately?” I ask.

“Yup! She said she’s emailin’ me over some stuff to sign. I don’t have a scanner at home so I’m gonna do it from work tomorrow on my break.”

I smile at her. “That’s a good idea.”

The server arrives with the drinks and Quinn quickly unwraps her straw and shoves it into the monstrous glass filled with orange liquid. She takes a long pull and closes her eyes, making a hum of approval. I take the opportunity to watch her lips as they suck on the straw, and then my gaze drifts to her closed eyes. My mind wanders and I wonder if that’s how she’d look when she’s getting her pussy licked while wearing one of my jeweled butt plugs. My dick wakes up and pays attention, so I clear my throat to change the subject.

“Good?” I ask, jutting my chin at her margarita as I take the lime wedge off the side of my glass and lift the drink to my lips.

“It’s downright heavenly.” She sets it down. “My other good news is that I’ve decided to take your job offer!” She reaches over and puts her hand on top of mine. “I really appreciate the opportunity, Linc. I already have so many ideas!”

I glance at her hand on mine and smile at her. “That is great news. I’m glad we’re out celebrating. I can’t wait to tell the guys. They have been rooting for you, so to speak.”

Her eyes widen. “Really? They have?”

“Yes, they have. They really like you, Quinn. And honestly, so do I. You were my first choice. I’m glad I don’t have to keep shopping around.”

“Roman came in today with his wife and little guy and mentioned it. He also said I’d get yearly raises and bonuses. So that helped my decision, too.”

“Yes, I suppose I did fail to mention those two things. I’m not usually that forgetful, so you’ll have to forgive me for that.”

Her hand is still on mine, and I’ve made no effort to move it, though I’d rather have my hand on her thigh under the table.

She squeezes my hand. “It’s okay. I’m just glad Roman came by.”

“This has made my night,” I say, genuinely happy and squeezing her hand. “Now, let’s talk about Dallas. It’s next week. Will you be okay to travel with your arm?”

She shrugs. “I think so. I mean, I see the doc day after tomorrow. So we’ll see what he says.”

I reluctantly break our connection to pull my phone from my jacket pocket and open the calendar app. “What time is the appointment and where?”

Her brow furrows as she sucks on the straw and then pulls off it. “You don’t have to go with me, Linc. I can handle it.”

I shake my head. “Nope, I’m invested now. I’m going to follow this thing all the way through until the end with your care.”

She stares at me hesitantly, and the intense eye contact makes me resist squirming, but I hold her stare until she says, “Okay but you are not paying for it, mister.”

I chuckle. “Whatever you say.”

“It’s at ten o’clock, and the doc’s name is Ito or somethin’. I got the address written down in my office.”

I internally cringe. I will never understand people who leave handwritten things lying around for them to lose. Technology is a wonderful thing. Don’t they want to have the information instantly at their fingertips? “Okay, just text it to me as soon as you get to work tomorrow, all right?”

“You got it, darlin’.”

The server brings us our food and we spend the rest of the evening talking about work, the trip to Dallas, and even the weather until we’re both full. After we’re done, I walk her to her pickup truck but I don’t linger this time. I just bid her goodnight without touching her and then watch as she drives off. It was the nicest time I’d had in… I can’t remember how long.



After I open the pub, I go into my office and find the note with the address to the doctor’s office. I immediately text it to Lincoln, just like he asked me to, and then I start on some paperwork. It’s hard using the computer one-handed. I find some Advil in my desk and pop three of them to take the edge off the pain.
