Page 44 of Sinful Boss

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“What? It was a bit cattywampus.” I point at his tie.

“You didn’t have to fix my tie, and you don’t have to give Lucas a nickname.”

“Lincoln Silverstone, you are wound up tighter than a gui-tar string. If you don’t loosen up, you’re gonna snap off one day and hurt someone!”

I glance at Lucas, who is smiling at me in the rearview mirror. I grin back at him.

“I’m not uptight,” he defends.

“I just think you could loosen up a little, that’s all,” I reply, putting my hand on his leg.

He looks down at it and reaches over, in turn placing his hand on my thigh. A shiver of excitement runs up my spine, and I stare into his impossibly beautiful eyes. He in turn stares at me.

“I will try to loosen up when I’m around you. How about that?”

“We have a deal,” I say, squeezing his leg.

He laughs and looks down at my leg, then slowly runs his hand up and down my thigh. When he gets into dangerous territory, I find myself wishing he’d go higher and run his hand on the outside of my jeans against my core.

I wish this backseat had more privacy because right now I want to straddle him like a horse and find out if those lips are as soft as they look.

“We’ve arrived,” Lucas says, breaking our silent stare-off.

Lincoln, seemingly broken out of his trance, pulls his hand off my thigh and slides out behind me when Lucas opens the door.

“I’ll be right here when you get done,” the driver informs us.

After checking in for the appointment, I’m asked to follow the nurse back. “Um, can he come with me?” I ask her, pointing at Lincoln.

“Sure, that’s fine.”

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“You said you were committed to this thing. Now you get to hear all the good and bad.” I wink at him.

He nods and we follow the nurse, who leads us to a room and has us sit. She takes my blood pressure and puts a little lighted clip on my finger, which beeps after a couple of minutes. After typing into an electronic tablet, she tells us the doctor will be in soon and leaves the room.

I stare at Lincoln, who looks a little stressed but doesn’t have his nose in his phone like usual. “What is it?” I ask.

He crosses one leg over the other and says, “I hope you didn’t find it inappropriate that I touched your leg. You are my employee, so I understand I crossed a line.”

I find it amusing he thinks that’s inappropriate. If he only knew I’d wanted to ride him like a rodeo bull in the back of his car, he wouldn’t be thinking that at all.

“No, for two reasons. First of all, I touched your hard, muscular, powerful leg first. We’re gonna talk about that in a second because I have questions. Two, I liked your hand on my leg. I found myself wishing you’d go higher with it, if you catch my drift.” I wink. “And three… sorry, I know I said two, but I’m the one who told you to relax. So I thought it was awful nice you felt comfortable enough to touch me. Because I sure as heck liked it.”

He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again.

“Cat got your tongue, you stubborn old goat?”

“About that,” he says, chuckling. “I am stubborn, but I don’t think I’m that old. I’m only thirty.”

I wave a dismissive hand. “Oh, stop takin’ everything so literal. Again, relax. I make a lot of farm animal references. I spent a lot of time with my memaw growing up, and that’s all I heard in my childhood. Not to mention, she literally lives on a farm, so there’s that.”

“That must have been interesting,” he says. “Tell me how that was growing up.”

“First, you must tell me if you work out. Your legs muscles are like, goals!” I smack my thigh. “I got nothin’ but lard on these thunder thighs!”

He goes from smiling to frowning. “You have lovely legs, and I don’t appreciate you putting yourself down.”

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