Page 58 of Sinful Boss

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“Explain these to us, please?” Lincoln asks.

She widens her eyes at him and chuckles nervously. “My, don’t you have some beautiful eyes, honey.”

Is she flirting with him in front of me? Does she want a good, old Southern butt-whooping? Because I’m pretty sure I could take her skinny ass…

“Well, darlin’, the first is a honey-wheat blend with hints of blueberry…” As she continues on with each one, she’s looking at us both and smiling, so I relax a little bit, realizing she’s not singling him out and ignoring me. That used to happen with Garrett sometimes when a woman was blatantly flirting with him. I’d be madder than a wet hen by the time the meal was done.

Not that I could blame this girl for flirting with Lincoln. He’s downright gorgeous, and I still wonder what he sees in me.

After she’s done, she walks off and we each pick up the first one.

“Cheers,” I say, clinking my tiny glass with his.

We both sip it and then I shoot mine back like a shot of whiskey, it’s that delicious.

“You should try to slow down and savor the beer. Get a feel for the tastes on the back end,” Lincoln says to me.

“Fine, I guess you’re right.”

After we finish the entire flight, I’m barely buzzed but feeling good.

“Did you like those?” I ask.

He nods. “They were really good, actually. Tammy did a great job in describing each one.”

“Yep. She loved explaining those all to you with rapt attention!”

“What does that mean?” He looks at me, confused.

“She was just flirtin’ with you is all. Not that I blame her. I’d flirt with you, too. Well, I guess I already did.”

He huffs a little. “Stop it, Quinn. I didn’t even notice. I only see you tonight. In fact, you’re hands down the most beautiful woman in here.”

I feel my cheeks heat as I hold up the flight glass and say, “Well, you know what they say. Beauty’s in the eye of the beer holder!”

His brow furrows. “But I’m completely sober and still think that.”

I tip my head back and laugh. “It was a joke, silly, because I know I’m not. But thank you, anyway, handsome.”

As we’re sitting next to each other and not across, his hand snaps up and gently yanks my ponytail to control my head, as he leans in to whisper, “Do not ever put yourself down again, or I’ll punish you with forced orgasms. You hear me?”

I swallow hard as he lets go and I nod. “That doesn’t sound like much of a punishment, but okay. I’ll keep that stuff to myself from now on.”

“You’ve never surfed the fine line between pain and pleasure, Quinn, and I can’t wait to watch you do it.”

I blush, and am about to respond, but am interrupted.

“How were the Bucking Broncos?” Tammy asks, seeming to come out of nowhere.

“Delicious,” Lincoln replies. “Please bring us two flights of your next popular line.”

“That’d be the Bullfighter Clown line. I’ll be back in a jiff.”

I watch her walk off. “So, when am I starting my new job?” I ask. “I don’t think we determined a date.”

“I need to find your replacement first. Do you have anyone in mind?”

I lift a shoulder and grab a handful of peanuts, shaking the dust off them. “I’m sure Gail wants the job. She’s always eager to cover for me when I have appointments and whatnot.”

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