Page 63 of Sinful Boss

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“It’s too early for me to be smilin’ this big,” I reply.

“It’s never too early or late for you to smile, little dixie. There’s nothing prettier.”

I resist a gasp at my reflection. “Oh, I’m sure there are lots of things prettier, especially prettier than me right now. Good Lord, I look like a trailer after a tornado.”

“First of all, I highly doubt that. Secondly, you put yourself down again, your sweet ass is going to meet the business end of my cat-o-nine tails.”

“What in the heck is that?”

He chuckles. “You can Google it.”

“Maybe I will,” I say, really needing to pee but not wanting to do it on the phone in case he hears.

Maybe I’ll run the faucet…

“So, the reason I called, I mean, aside from hearing your beautiful, twangy voice, was to tell you that I have so much work to catch up on, I’m gonna have to ask for a raincheck. I want you to come over when I’m relaxed and not stressed about work. When we can spend the day and night in my playroom and the bedroom. Or by the pool, or watching movies. Ordering takeout.”

I freeze. “You have a playroom? What’s in it?”

He chuckles. “You’ll see. Now, enjoy your day off and rest, please. And tomorrow, once you get to work, you’re calling Dr. Ito. Right?”

“Yes, sir.” I salute with my good hand, even though he can’t see me.

“Good girl. Now I gotta go. But… if you get bored later and feel like sending me some sexy pictures, I won’t mind.”

“Oh… wow. Okay, well, I can sure try. I’m not the most photogenic—”

“Stop it. I don’t need photogenic. I just want to see you. Raw, bare. Maybe even with one of your toys.”

“Whew. Now I’m really gonna pee my pants. Goodbye, Lincoln Silverstone. You’ll be hearin’ from me later.”

He chuckles. “Goodbye, little dixie.”

I end the call and run to the toilet before my bladder bursts.

Later, after a hot shower and some comfy clothes, I finish unpacking and start some laundry. I wear the sling to remind me to keep my shoulder still. I need to clean the house today too, but really don’t feel like it. I guess I could at least wipe out the sinks and clean the toilets one-handed…

As I’m Windexing the bathroom mirror, it opens a little and I see the bottle of Percocet. I pull it out, twist off the top and look inside. There are six left. I walk to the toilet but freeze. What if I need these again? I’m by no means addicted, but man, did these magical pills help me sleep like the dead last night.

But… what if I get UAed again? Oh wait. “Ya don’t have to worry about that anymore, silly!” I say to myself.

Regardless, I turn the bottle upside down, dump the last six pills in, then flush. I toss the bottle into the trash can. I know I’m in control of myself and that I wouldn’t have become addicted but I just can’t take that chance. Besides, I’ve never been addicted to anything in my life, except maybe a tall, blue-eyed CEO with a stiff spine and a huge eggplant.

After I clean, I change into my red and white striped bikini, grab the book I’d been reading from my end table in my living room and a bottle of Diet Pepsi from the fridge, and head to my back patio to get some sun. Oh, how I wished I could have used the pool at that Dallas hotel, but there was just no time. I look forward to seeing Lincoln’s house and using his swimming pool. Will we swim before or after he takes me to his playroom? What does he have in there, anyway?

I pull my baseball cap down and open the book after setting up the lounge chair. I start to read but again, I can’t concentrate. I can only think about my sexy boss.

Is he going to tell Nathan and Roman about us? He said he was the CEO and could do what he wanted. That there are no rules for him. What will they say if they know we’re together? That he’s fucking me? What if he falls in love with me? Will I want to marry him?

“Stop puttin’ the cart before the horse, Quinn,” I scold myself.

I couldn’t imagine having a life like that. I like my simple life. My little townhouse and my job. Well, the job I won’t have very much longer. I’ll have a new job soon, and that also makes my stomach erupt into butterflies. I hope I can handle it, that I’ll be able to perform and make my bosses happy. But deep down, there’s only one boss I want to make happy and win his approval. To have him look proudly at me. I can’t let him down—or myself.



I rub my hand along my forehead. I just hung up with Quinn and was smiling, but now, I frown. I should not have put off these emails all weekend. I should have at least addressed a few of them. Now they’re all piled up and it’s going to take me all damn day to clear them out.
