Page 7 of Sinful Boss

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I tap on the stocks app on my phone and read today’s numbers. Grim as usual. I shake my head and read a news app to see if there’s anything I’ve missed overnight. Nothing there either, just the usual doom and gloom of the world today.

The car stops in front of my favorite coffee shop and Lucas opens my door. “I’ll be right out here when you’re done.”

“Would you like anything?” I ask.

“No, sir. Thank you.” He always declines, but I always offer.

I enter the small business and inhale the delicious scent of coffee beans.

“Hello, Lincoln. The usual?” the cashier asks. She’s a young woman, cute, and always looks at me as if she’s expecting me to say anything more than what I usually do.

“Yes, Julie, that would be great.”

“Four-fifty,” she says.

I hand her a ten-dollar bill and she knows by now not to try to give me change.

“Thanks,” she replies, putting the remainder in a large tip jar set on the counter.

“Here you are, black with one cream.”

With a thanks, I take the cup and leave the store. This is my morning routine. It’s rare I deviate from it.

Ten dollars a day for coffee doesn’t bother me, I want to see small businesses thrive. That’s just one of the reasons I use this place and not the big chain two blocks from our building. Plus, the people are nicer and the coffee really does taste better. They never get my order wrong. The only drawback is that they don’t have an app I can order ahead on, and it’s not my style to call ahead for it. I suppose I could have Lucas do it, but I’m okay with going in.

Soon, we’re pulling up to my office building. Lucas opens the door.

“Thank you,” I say, holding my coffee while Lucas hands me my briefcase. “I’ll text you when I’m done tonight. I have a few meetings, so I’ll probably be working late.”

“Very good, sir.” He closes the door and leaves to go wherever he goes during the day.

The building’s receptionist greets me with her usual smile and I take the elevator up to the top floor.

Once the doors open, I’m immediately greeted by Jamie from Contracting. She carries a cup of coffee and I’m surprised she can move with how tight her dress is. “Good morning, Mr. Silverstone,” she says in what I can only describe as a low, flirtatious purr.

“Morning, Jamie,” I reply politely with a nod, making my way to my office to put as much space between me and her as possible. That woman is a walking sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.

“Morning, Linc,” our executive assistant Tricia greets me as soon as I enter the executive suite.

“Morning, Trish. Any messages?” I ask.

“Nope. Just lots of meetings today,” she replies.

I nod and head into my office. I hang my suit jacket on the hook on the wall and set my briefcase and coffee down.

Right as I sit, my office door opens.

“Morning,” my brother Nathan greets as he heads toward the chair set in front of my desk and sets something down on the desktop. “Courtesy of Sierra,” he says, nodding at a pastry.

“What is it?” I ask, hitting the button to turn my computer on.

“Blueberry scone… I think. I inhaled mine too fast to notice.” He grins and pats his stomach.

I arch an eyebrow at him and stare down at his midsection. “Gaining sympathy pregnancy weight, are you?”

He frowns and looks down. “Am I? I got on the scale a few days ago and haven’t gained anything. I don’t think, anyway. Why, do I look like it?”

I chuckle. “No, but you’re going to if you keep eating like that.”
