Page 74 of Sinful Boss

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I grab the shampoo and squirt some in my hand before I rub it in her hair. I lather it up while she watches, her arms around my waist. She looks so beautiful all wet and smiling. Who am I kidding? She always looks beautiful.

After she rinses it out, she grabs the conditioner and puts some in her hair, and then we wash each other in between kissing.

Once we’re dried off, I lead her to my room and pull back the covers on my California king bed.

“That’s the biggest bed I ever seen,” she says.

“Get in,” I demand, using the remote to close the curtains since the sun is still high in the sky.

She watches the curtains close and slides under the covers. I put my arm under her so she’s resting her head on my chest and then pull the covers over us. She sighs contently and I kiss the top of her wet hair. She’s stroking her fingers over my chest and then she closes her eyes.

“Are you coming to the company picnic?” I ask, not quite sleepy but relaxed.

“I don’t know. Usually, I spend this week in Mobile with my family so I never go.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t go, but next time you do, can I come?”

She opens her eyes and looks up at me. “You want to meet my family? Oh, Lord, I can only imagine the things they’re goin’ to say about you.”

“Is that bad?” I ask.

“Not bad, no. They’re just going to be very fascinated with you. You’re not my type at all.”

“I’m not?” I ask, hoping that’s not a negative thing.

“Well, I don’t really have a type, I suppose. I’ve only been with Garrett and one boy in high school, both blue-collar guys. So maybe you are my type and I just hadn’t found you yet.” She smiles up at me. “It’s just going to shock my family is all.”

“Well, I would love to meet them,” I say.

“After we go to the company picnic,” she replies. “I’ve always heard it was a good time.”

“I guess it is. I’m not a big fan but am obligated to go.”

“Why aren’t you a fan?” she asks.

“Social events.” I chuckle. “I better get used to them with you in my life, huh?”

She giggles. “Yep. I love bein’ social. Couldn’t work with the public if I wasn’t. Lucky that job hasn’t made me hate people.”

“I hear you there. People are so rude anymore in this world we live in.”

“And nobody wants to work, especially the younger ones. I don’t get it, but what can you do? I’m just grateful to have the ones I do have. Except Maria. Lord, I’m probably gonna have to fire that girl.”

“Why’s that?” I ask, concerned.

“Sometimes she comes in late, asks for time off when she doesn’t have it coming, calls off a lot.”

I groan. “Do what you have to do, I’ll support you.”

She looks up at me. “Thank you.” Then she leans up and kisses me. After breaking the kiss, she says, “Now, be quiet. While I love talkin’ to you, I need a nap.”

I chuckle and kiss her head again, sliding my eyes shut.


We wake up after two hours. My dick is hard, and she looks so beautiful lying in my bed. the covers have moved down, exposing her breasts. I gently touch one, and her eyes flutter open. She stares at me, arching her back as I play with her nipple.

“Kiss me,” she says.
