Page 15 of Reminders of Her

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Her brows furrowed, and she shot a quick glance in my direction.“Why me and not him?”she questioned, her words laced with curiosity and a hint of uncertainty.

“What’s the question, again?”Sanford asked.

“You’re flirting with me, but Grey came all the way from London to be with you.”

Sanford’s gaze meets mine.“Did you come for me?”

“I came for you both,” I mumbled, the words filled with confusion.“It’s been so long since the three of us spent time together.”

“But you two hang out more often,” she murmured, her bottom lip caught in a thoughtful nibble.“Sometimes it feels as if you two are a couple.”

“We’re not.”Sanford’s words landed on my chest like a heavy blow.He rose from his seat, carefully placing his cello into its stand, and then made his way across the room to sit beside me.Leaning in, his words brushed against my skin like a whisper.“The thing is, I’m in love with both of you, but I don’t think we’re ready for this—at least not just yet.”

A shiver raced down my spine, ignited by the proximity, the anticipation hanging in the air.His nearness was both tantalizing and tormenting, and his breath a gentle caress that left a trail of goose bumps in its wake.Every fiber of my being yearned to close the distance between us, to claim his lips with mine.

But I remained motionless, barely breathing, trapped by the mesmerizing allure of his piercing blue eyes.I was torn between the desire to seize the moment and the fear of what would happen if we crossed that line.

“Kiss him.”The words came like an order, a suggestion, a plea.Her eyes filled with both curiosity and longing.

I held my breath, waiting for Sanford.Will he do it?

And he did.

At that moment, the world around us seemed to shrink, the space between us narrowing to a charged sliver of anticipation.It was as if an invisible force pushed us to lean in, to bridge the gap.Our lips met, and a surge of surprise coursed through me.His touch was warm, his familiarity comforting.

The gentleness of his kiss caught me off guard, yet every movement carried an undeniable command.As his tongue gently pressed, seeking entrance, my lips willingly parted for him.

Our mouths fused together, melding in a dance that mirrored the grace of our ballerina.In that stolen moment, I surrendered my soul to San, knowing he would keep it safe.Guard it with his soul and that he would accept me, despite me loving her too.



Reality seepsback in as I blink open my eyes, a harsh contrast to the blissful memory.Here, in the cool night air, she’s missing.There’s only the thrumming bike beneath us and the empty highway stretching ahead.We’re reduced to fragments of what we were, love long since cooled into regret and silence.

We lost everything, and the only thing left between us might be that fucking tell-all book that’s haunting us with whatever is written in it.

“Still love riding, Grey?”Sanford’s voice crackles through the helmet’s intercom, breaking the hypnotic rhythm of the road.

I fight the urge to shut off the intercom, to drown him out with the wind’s whistle and the bike’s growl.I take a shaky breath, reminding myself to play the part of the composed adult I’m expected to be.“Sure,” I mutter, my fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket.

“You don’t sound sure,” he retorts.His voice lacks its usual playfulness, instead laced with a note of concern.

Unfortunately, he’s not wrong.The truth is far more complex.I’m not sure about anything anymore.

Love, joy, excitement—all have grown elusive, tarnished by the painful past.Everything that once brought me pleasure now feels lackluster.Its vibrancy drained.It’s just now that I’m beginning to find some brightness in my dark world.For a while, life tasted bland.The prospect of living it was painstakingly difficult.

There were moments when the weight of existence bore down on me, tempting me to surrender.Life lost its flavor, leaving me teetering on the edge of giving up.But a delicate thread kept me anchored—the unwavering support of my family.In the depths of my darkest days, they became my guiding light, leading me back to the shores of safety and solace.

The wounds I carried were invisible, their imprints etched deeply into my soul.They consumed me in ways that I can’t describe.Not even to my therapist or my sponsor.It was just ...suffocating, as if the air refused to fill my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath.

It’s not long before we arrive at the hangar.My heart almost stops at the thought of having to go with him.And maybe this will be a great time to say no, I won’t do this.

“This is a bad idea,” I manage to choke out, my voice strained as the bike rumbles to a halt.The scent of him permeates the air, a potent mix of engine oil and his distinct musk, weaving a treacherous maze around my faltering determination.

Our past becomes a swirling tornado, threatening to drag me toward a black hole where no one will find me—this time I might just let myself die.

Untangling myself from him, I climb off the bike.Sanford follows, his helmet under his arm, his gaze a rough mix of emotions.There’s no softness there now, only a hardness that chills me to the bone.
