Page 14 of Mended Oath

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Are you sure?

Positive. Spend time with your family.

Thank you.

Call me if you need anything.

I can handle it, don’t worry.

Don’t thank me. Thank you.

His bubble disappears, and I shove my phone away into my trousers. Looking through the paperwork that Rian had in his hands, I run the numbers. Much to my dismay, he’s right. Somehow I have been missing products for the last ten shipments. I glance over the numbers once more, just trying to make sure that this is right. Possibly a typo.

Nope, it’s missing.

What the hell?

Preston appears in the doorway, clearing his throat. “You wanted to see me?”

“I thought I gaveveryspecific orders that Rian was not allowed on my property? I thought I made that abundantly clear. Why was he here?” I ask, trying to hide the irritation in my voice but failing miserably. I try to treat my employees with the utmost respect, but this is inexcusable. This is executable.

“I apologize sir. We have a new guard at the gate,” he replies, his tone even and professional.

“So, we have a new guard at the gate? Wow, one new guard? What about the rest of the security? There were at least two other people that had to see him too.” Throwing the papers in my hand down on the desk, I stand and place my hands on my desk. The chair skirts behind me, hitting the wall gently

“I want the two men that are supposed to watch the door, fired. The guy at the gate is fired as well. You know what to do,” I snarl.

“But sir, their families?” He begins to protest. I’m quick to cut him off.

I slam my fist down on the table. “What aboutmyfamily, Preston? Rian hasdestroyedmy family. I want nothing to do with him, and he is to never step foot on this property. Shoot him if you have to. I really don’t give a fuck. They were hired to do a job. If they cannot do their job, their families cannot be supported. That’s how the chain works. I don’t give a fuck what they have to do to keep him off. Spread his face on a fucking piece of paper, for god’s sake. Just do your fucking job and make them do their fucking job! Again, they are fired. Don’t make me do the same to you.”

He straightens, keeping his face stony and stoic. “Understood.” He turns to leave, but I quickly stop him.

“See to it that their families are taken care of for the foreseeable future. Give my condolences,” I add, then sit back down in my chair. “Send Liam over, I need him to deliver something to Finn.”

He nods with a quick acknowledgment before exiting the room.

Slumping back in my chair, I scrub my hand over my face. Picking up the paperwork once again, I carefully comb over it once more. There’s been no report of it being tampered with. Looks like I will be paying the warehouse a visit this evening instead of the rest I need.

After Liam comes to get Finn’s bonus, I grab my suit jacket and slip it on. My heart beats with excitement. Normally, I don’t like dishing out punishments. Usually, I leave that to the men who enjoy it, like Finn. But Finn isn’t here and it’s been so long since I have been able to let out any aggression. Killing a few people may slightly alleviate the overwhelming anger.

I’m so fucking ready.

Chapter ten


Two Months Later

Thefamiliarvinecoveredcabin comes into view as I come to a stop at the end of the trail. Skimming through the keys on my keyring, I grasp the one that unlocks the door in front of me. I know I’m taking a chance of Declan showing up while I’m here, but I need this. I need to be in this familiar comfort. I need to feel the comfort of his presence.

It’s been a day short of nine months since I walked away from the love of my life to save him. Nine long months grieving the loss of my parents and Declan. The constant reminder that we’re no longer together, I count the days. Thinking of the what if’s on each passing day, the passing hours. Today should be a happy day. Declan and I should have been overjoyed to welcome a tiny human that is the best of both of us into this world. However, today, I’m mourning alone. I’m slowly dying inside from overwhelming grief.

Two weeks after I left, that fateful day, I found out that I was pregnant. It was an absolute shock, but I found solace in the fact that it wouldn’t be just me anymore. I would have a reason to actually live my life. I’d have a purpose once again. The little bean was going to make me better, they were going to help me feel again. But, thanks to the scar tissue from being shot in the pelvis and the monumental stress I was under at the time… I lost the baby two weeks later at eight weeks gestation. The memory from the day haunts my dreams, sometimes it hits me during the day as well.

Stretching gently, I feel wetness between my legs. Looking down, I see a tinge of red beneath me. Getting out of bed quickly, I see that I am laying in my own puddle of blood. I call the doctor that I have been seeing, and she says that she wants me to come in immediately. Hurriedly getting dressed, I race to her office with cramps setting in my lower stomach with both physical pain and pain from my nerves. When I arrive, she immediately takes me back and already has everything set up for an ultrasound. She remains quiet, not giving anything away. My heart can be heard pumping through my veins, the thrumming of my blood in my ears.

A few moments into the scan, my suspicions that something was wrong was confirmed. Looking at me sadly, she shakes her head. There is no heartbeat and the baby had stopped growing a week prior. My baby stopped growing. They never even had a chance.
