Page 39 of Mended Oath

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“Come on, don’t be that way.” She uses basically the same line I used on her earlier, as she moves to lay in the same position as me, propping herself up and avoiding the icing on her face.

Reaching out, I push an icing coated strand of hair behind her ear. My eyes find hers as a smile spreads across my face. “I love hearing you laugh, mo ghrá.”

Playfully rolling her eyes at the nickname, she sheepishly returns the smile, attempting to nudge me away with her icing covered hand. She fails, and I watch the blush tint her cheeks, running my thumb along her newly reddened skin. The silence that stretches between us is palpable, and I swear it’s like time stops. Every time I’m with her, I wish time would slow so I could enjoy little moments like these more often.

My eyes flick down to her lips, memorizing the softness of them, the small divots from where she purses them. I want to kiss her so bad I can’t stand it, the slight stretch of her skin as she smiles at me makes me want to devour her more. As if reading my mind she smiles gently, leaning into my touch. Her eyes flutter shut as I close the distance between us, and I rest my forehead on hers.

Just as I go to press our lips together, a knock comes from the front door. Internally groaning, I decide that I need this woman more than I need to answer the person.

“Maybe if we ignore them, they’ll go away,” I mumble, my forehead still against hers.

“The only other person that knows we are here is Finn. You know it’s important if he shows up without warning,” she murmurs, keeping her eyes closed.

Reluctantly I pull away and rise from the floor. She opens her soft blues with a huff, as I reach out for her hand, helping her stand as well.

Finn impatiently knocks again, and I roll my eyes, the pounding getting more incessant. Swinging the door open, I take one look at his distraught state and raise my eyebrow.

“Skylar is pregnant,” he says in disbelief, shoving his way past me and into the room.

Natalia and I look at each other, initially holding shock before a smirk comes on our faces.

“I’ll grab the alcohol.” Natalia walks out of the room and into the kitchen, sashaying away from me in a way that makes my cock twitch slightly.

When I come to, the sounds of Finn screaming sounds like they’re underwater, although I know he’s beside me. A momentary wave of relief flows through me that he’s still alive, but sorrow quickly follows as I hear his cries of pain.

Come on Nat, you can do this.

Chapter twenty-six



I’ve always been the one giving the torture, not the one on the receiving end. I would say that if I had known, I wouldn’t torture others, but I’d be lying. The physical pleasure one gets from watching another person plead is absolutely music to my ears. Sadly, the sound of my best friend whimpering in pain is not the same type of gratification. It’s like nails on a chalkboard, and if I had more strength, I’d continue working to break out of these chains. Even if I needed to break and dislocate my own hands, I would, but my consciousness itself is thin. Hearing him finally silence, I look over and realize that he’s knocked out too. The abuse they’re putting us through is considered child’s play, but it’s different when on the receiving end of things.

Thank goodness for the training through all of these years.

While Declan was out, they decided it would be fun to carry on with me instead of taking a break like they normally have been. He didn’t give them much time to play with him before he was out again. I’m one hundred percent positive that my right hand is broken. My knee feels like someone ran it over with a semi-truck from where the bat met it earlier and my entire leg hurts like a bitch, but I don’t know the full extent of the damage.

Boris saunters around the room and back to the table for a moment, dropping the weapon he used on Declan before picking up another. He comes to stand in front of me with another fucking knife, trying to intimidate me by getting the shine of the metal to glint in my eyes. I pinch them shut to avoid the brightness, but this guy is seriously pissing me off with this shit. Does this idiot only know how to use a fucking knife and hot iron? What happened to a cat of nines? Using a good ole’ cane, pulling nails or teeth, setting a fire below their feet are all good ideas. Now, I’m definitely not going to tell them that. Maybe they’re into seeing blood, that might be what gets their own blood pumping south. All I do know is that if I get out of here, I’m going to slice him up from head to toe.

Gritting my teeth as he digs the blade into my skin for what feels like the thousandth time, I try to hold in the groan that is building inside. With my eyes pinched shut, I clench my jaw in efforts to suppress it. I try my hardest to get into a headspace where I can’t feel anything, but I’m failing miserably. I know how satisfying it is to hear them, and I don’t want him to have that satisfaction. Unfortunately, I’m unable to hold this one back, and I grimace as it echoes through the room.Shit.

“Not as tough as you thought you were, are ya?” Boris boasts with a cackle, inflicting another long cut. All the cuts have been shallow, possibly leaving light scars if they aren’t taken care of properly, but there’s still only so much you can take.All the fucking things I will do to him…

“Suck my dick,” I spit back at him, sending a wad of blood filled saliva toward his face. Surprisingly, my voice was a little stronger than I thought it would be.I already imagine him burning on a pyre of wood after I’ve taken my time in removing his fingers and toes…

He growls and presses the knife against my throat, the diluted blood slowly trailing down his cheek. “I can’t wait to shut you up permanently, you fucking pest. You’ve been nothing but a burden for us, and I can’t wait to see the life drain from your eyes.”

“Then do it.” I lean forward pressing the blade into my skin further. The bite of the blade almost sends relief up my body. “Go ahead and kill me, you fucking pussy.”

Ripping the knife away, a sharp sting radiates through my throat, and he glares at me. I return the stare, thinking of more ways to make him pay.I can’t wait to put him flat on his back, a cloth over his face, and pour a constant stream of water over his face until he’s about to pass out…

“When I get the green light, you’ll be the first to go. You’ll be the first to watch me jack off to your dying body as blood trickles off of you. Taking pride in my work, I’ll use your blood as a lubricant as I take my pleasure in killing you, the ultimate delight in knowing I did it to you. Rian will be pleased that I mutilated you just for the greater good, then he will let us use your precious wife as a play toy, where I’ve been debating on using a little knife play on her porcelain skin.”

“You’re fucking sick! I can’t wait to watch the life drain from your eyes as I put a bullet between your eyes,” I scream. He doesn’t respond as he exits the room.

Closing my eyes, I can see myself using tongue tongs with a jaw hook, ripping his jaw from its socket while cutting his tongue out for all the things he said about my wife. I can imagine using a dirty evisceration scoop to grab his eyes…
