Page 51 of Mended Oath

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“Actually, we were coming up to see if you wanted dinner? I made spaghetti,” Ansleigh asks, petting Suttons hair softly. Her smile is hopeful, and I find my smile mirroring hers.Little does she know.

“Spaghetti is my favorite.” I stand from the floor and reach down for Harlow’s hand. She shakes her head, holds both arms up to me, clenching and unclenching her hands. Bending down, I pick her up and place her on my hip, walking to the kitchen.

Dinner goes by rather quickly. Ansleigh tells me the story of how they met, her reaction when Dmitri told her who he really was and about him technically being dead. They tell me about how they realized when they were in love, then how they knew that they were the ones for each other. It made me immediately think of my own husband. When it comes time for me to leave, I almost don’t want to.

“I will see you guys tomorrow, thank you for having me over. Don’t worry about lugging toys for the girls, I’ll have toys for them,” I say, hugging Dmitri. Ans looks at me, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

“You donotneed to do that. They have plenty of toys.” She pulls me in for a hug. I laugh, squeezing her gently before pulling away, looking her dead in the eyes.

“I have missed out on spoiling them for the last two years. That’s what good aunts are supposed to do! I refuse to not spoil those two babies rotten just like I do my other niece. I’m not going to miss another second in spoiling them. You can thank me later.” I bend down, pulling Harlow in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“I wuv you, Na,” she says toothly, placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I refrain from wiping it, holding my cringe from the slobber.

“I love you too, sweet girl.” When she runs away to go play, Sutton takes her place. Shyly looking up at me through her lashes, she holds her hands out and I pull her in for a hug. The smile on my face only grows as she reciprocates my gesture. She lays her head on my shoulder, a deep sigh releasing from her little body.

“Wuv you, Na,” she whispers. Immediately, she wiggles to be released from my hold.

“I love you too, baby.” I blow a small raspberry in her neck, where she squeals in delight before taking off behind her sister. I stare at the two little ones, longing set in my heart, but understanding settling deep within me.

“Be careful on your way home,” Dmitri calls as I walk out the door. I wave back at them, seeing myself out.

During the drive home, I call Declan, telling him all about my visit. I just couldn’t wait until I got home, the excitement too overwhelming. We are still on the phone when I pull into the garage, my body still thrumming with happiness. Declan is standing in the doorway that leads to the house, leaning against the doorframe with his phone on speaker, his eyes on me.

A blush creeps over my cheeks as he stalks forward, opening my door. Once I’m out of the car, he takes my phone from me, disconnecting our call.

“I have been waiting on you all evening, Mrs. O’Connor.” His husky voice sends goosebumps across my skin, a shiver dancing from my head to my lady bits. He dips his head, kissing along my jaw to my neck.

Tipping my head over, my eyes close as an appreciative hum falls from my lips. My hand finds the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his thick hair.

Angling his body so that he doesn't put pressure on my wound, he pins me against the car. Slipping his hand under my shirt, it trails up my back unclasping my bra.

“Declan,” I whisper against his lips, not pulling away. “We are out in plain sight.” Glancing over my shoulder at the open garage door, he grumbles as he pulls away. He stomps over to the panel on the wall and types in the code to lower the door.

“There, now it’s just you and I,” he affirms, stepping back in front of me.

“You, meandPreston, who watches the security footage like a hawk since you yelled at him,” I point out, raising a challenging eyebrow. He narrows his eyes at me briefly before rolling them.

“If Preston enjoys living, he will not watch what’s about to happen.” His eyes flash to the security camera, his hand slipping into his pocket, pulling his phone out. He hits speed dial, placing the phone on speaker. I listen tentatively as the person on the other end picks up. Declan opens his mouth, but is instantly cut off.

“I’m leaving,” Preston says immediately before Declan can get a word out.

“See you tomorrow.” Declan ends the call, giving me his full attention again. “Now,” he mutters, his eyes swimming with lust as he scans my body. “Where were we?”

Chapter thirty-six


Capturingherlipswithmine, I win the fight for dominance promptly. She doesn’t attempt to fight me on it, which makes me harder just thinking about her submitting to me. Her hands come back into my hair, playing with the short ends. She takes a quick grip, tugging back firmly. I grunt, narrowing my eyes at the woman in front of me.

“Let’s go,” she mutters against my lips. I take the opportunity to suck her bottom lip into my mouth, biting harshly. She gasps, a soft moan following right after. I lick her lip, pulling away.

“Actually,” I pause, glancing over her shoulder. Her brows furrow, following my line of sight.

“Uhm, what is that?” She asks, her mouth gaping open.

“That, my beautiful wife, is a motorcycle,” I reply sarcastically. Taking her hand, I walk her closer to the quiet beast. She appears surprised, but I also see a hint of lust on her face. “I want to take you on a ride tonight.”

“On a ride?” Her eyes assess the shiny new bike, black metal glistening under the fluorescent lights. I don’t answer, which causes her to look back at me. With a brow raised, I take her hand, helping her get situated on the front seat. She sits there awkwardly as I take a step away.
