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I do an inward scramble to get a grip, and fast. “So you were watching the door?”

He cuts a striking figure in a navy pinstriped suit and gray shirt–to match his eyes, of course. The first few buttons are open to show everyone what a chilled out, fun character he is. I know better. But I don’t miss the beginning sprayings of chest hair peeking out at me and instantly want to know, more than anything else, what it would feel like to run my fingers through it.



Goddamn this man.

Edward chuckles and gives a nonchalant kind of shrug. “Company here isn’t the greatest. Let’s just say I was looking out for potential.”

And he chose me. Because he thinks I’m potential? A sprawling warmth creeps up my neck and spreads onto my cheeks.

“And as has been proven,” he adds, “-you’re so much fun to fuck around with.”

Just like that, my bubble bursts. Not that I should’ve expected anything different from him. Edward was just a straight up schmuck. No dress, or make-up, or hairdo was going to change that. And why would I want it to?

I promised myself when I got on that bus almost seven years ago that I wasn’t going to quit until I made it. I wasn’t going to let anything or anyone sidetrack me from my acting career. If it was worth leaving behind the first boy I ever loved, and then going on to be chronically single for so many years, it was worth ignoring whatever curiosities Edward Spencer awakened in me.

I want to act more than I want to know what it would feel like to have his hands all over me. What he sounds like when caught up in the throes of-

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speechless before,” he lifts his glass in salute, his eyes gleaming with his self-satisfied smile. “I think I like you best when you’re like this.”

“You’re an ass.” I clink my glass against his with as much sarcasm as I can muster. “If you’ll excuse me.”

He’s a lot of things, but a mind-reader isn’t one of them, and I thank my lucky stars for that. If he only knew…

I can feel his eyes on me as I mosey through the throng of people, none of whom I recognize. But I smile when it seems fitting, and throw a nod of acknowledgement here and there to make it look like I’m totally fine.

I’m not. I wish I could be anywhere but here.

“It’s Cara, right?” the casting director asks. She appeared out of nowhere and has a half-eaten shrimp canape in her hand.

“Cara Ford, yeah, hi!” I’m not sure if I’m supposed to shake hands or not, or if these people even touch other people in passing.

It leads to a rather awkward almost-but-not-quite of a greeting that nearly sends me into a full-on panic attack. Eventually, the casting director gives up and waves my hand away.

“Fuck it,” she says. “I’d hug you but I wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m playing favorites.”

“Favorites?” a little spark of hope flickers to life in my gut.

She leans in closer, glancing around to make sure we didn’t have anyone eavesdropping. “I like your look, and I like what you brought to Tallulah.”

“Yeah, she really fucked up that start, though. Am I right?” Edward’s laugh grates my insides.

“Ed. You made it.” She doesn’t even try to sound pleased. I like her more already. “A rocky start, but Cara pulled it back. Miranda’s on the same page.”

He nods sincerely, finger to his chin like a modern depiction of the Thinking Man. All bullshit, of course, He’s being patronizing.

“How are the kids?” he asks. I do a double take, because what? “Enjoying their new private school, I hope.”

The casting director’s expression drops and she stands back. And I get insight into what’s going on. The movie isn’t the only thing Edward’s thrown money at. It makes sense, with his need for control and all. He’d want to make sure he has a final say in everything, and the best way to do that is to buy it.

“They’re happy, thanks for asking, Edward.” It pains her to say it but she does it with a smile. “I have to go. Great work, Cara. Best of luck.”

“Was it something I said?” Edward asks, utterly amused.

I can’t take it anymore. I wish I could wipe that stupid smile from his face. “You’re so pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”
