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I want to feel his lips on mine again, his hands all over my body, my legs wrapped around his waist and pulling him deeper-


Edward and I leap from each other as though we’ve been tasered and I can only hope that there’s nothing like guilt on my face when I stare back at Luka, staring at the both of us.

He lingers in the doorway to my trailer, a bemused smile on his face. “I… was just coming to run the lines with you.”

Shit. How does Edward do that? Hair and make-up, filming, everything that exists outside of him just disappears. It’s exhilarating in the moment but it also scares me. I’ve never had this with anyone else. Ever.

“Uh… sure,” I clear my throat, straighten my hair even though it’s not necessary.

Then I inwardly chastise myself for doing it because I know it’s a dead giveaway.

Luka starts to come in, but Edward quickly blocks his path. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you run off and get us some coffee from Kraft?”

My co-star looks from Edward to me, his eyebrows raised in question. “We- we’re about to start shooting.”

It’s a feeble response at best and I shrink in my skin, already knowing what Edward is about to do. What he does to everyone he sees as a potential threat. The second they show weakness, he chews them right up.

“Is that right?” He shifts to cut Luka’s view of me entirely, hands in his pockets. “Well, this whole play is running on my dime, so it’s in your best interest to remember that and do as I say. You’re only the lead until I say you’re not.”

I can only imagine the look on Luka’s face. The way he stands down in the wake of Edward’s warning. And the next thing I know, the door to my trailer slams shut. When Edward turns to face me, there’s nothing but empty space where Luka was standing.

“Now, where were we?” He smirks at me.

But the interruption is enough to have my common sense take over. Edward might not think much of what’s happening on this movie lot, but it means more to me than he knows.

“We were at the part where I run my ass over to hair and make-up,” I tell him, gingerly squeezing past him, silently cursing the minimal space of my trailer.

“To be continued, then,” he calls after me as I step outside.

And I hurry across the lot, grateful that he can’t see the stupid smile on my face.



Iknew there was something off when I woke up this morning and Cara was the first thing I thought of. I’ve never been this hung up on anyone before, let alone someone I’ve already added to my list of conquests. The feeling is new and unsettling, and I’m still not sure what to make of it.

But there’s something about her…

“I’m worried about you.”

I blink a few times and realize Zach is grinning at me from across the table. The lights are low, as is the usual case in Suave, but there’s no mistaking the open judgment in his eyes. Or the enjoyment he’s getting out of this.

That’s my job. I’m the one in our group who’s always ragging the rest about being washed-up caricatures. I’m the one who’s spent decades curating my reputation to avoid being labeled as a weak pushover. A nice guy.

I’ll be damned if the tables turn over some stupid wager I didn’t think all the way through.

“Something tells me there’s more to that statement,” I reply, lifting my finger to a passing waitress.

It isn’t Cara. She’s given up her shift at the club so she can focus on her new job. The one where she’ll be spending most of her days pretending to be in love with a twenty-something-year-old male model.

Zach chuckles heartily, raising his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying, man… Looks like you’re losing your touch.”

“My touch? Do you even know me? That isn’t something I can lose. It’s who I am.” I down the last of my whiskey and glance over at Nicole to make sure she saw me.

She did, and is making her way over with a sultry sashay that seems rehearsed. Most of the girls who work here do that kind of thing, because most of the men who come here like it. Men like me.
