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And the way the stage lighting swirls around those pools of crystal blue nearly knocks the air out of my lungs, it’s so captivating. Jesus Christ, and she’s walking around with no fucking clue about any of it. How did I get this lucky?

“Blank as a newborn baby’s rap sheet.” I go in with the closer–the billion dollar smile that brings every woman to her knees.

I’m not surprised when it works like the fucking charm it is, too. Even in the low light, the soft pink blush that spreads across Cara’s cheeks is unmistakable. The way she shyly dips her head? Textbook. Biting the corner of her lower lip, another check mark for the win.

“Fine.” When she looks back up there’s no sign of the flustered spiral I just flung her into. She’s all business, totally in control. Like the pro she knows she’s not.

It gets me so hot I have to physically restrain myself from throwing her over the back of the nearest chair and having my way with her.

“Fine? So, it’s a deal then.” I extend my hand to her. All business. Totally in control.

She doesn’t have to know that the second her hand touches mine, it sends blood rushing to my crotch. All that matters now is that the deal is done. She’ll find out what exactly she signed up for soon enough.



I’m fifteen minutes into my shift and already so fucking over it. A couple of days ago, Suave was just an exclusive club where I was likely to run into influential billionaires who may have some impact on my career. Now it’s the place where I have to hide in the back kitchen because I’m afraid if I go out there and do my job, I’ll run into the magnanimous Edward Spencer.

What a dick.

“Hey, Ford! The place is pumping and you’re sitting here chewing your nails?” Cameron, my manager, scowls at me, hands on his hips.

I swear the only reason he has that stupid badge at all is because he can’t cut it as a waiter. That would require basic gross motor skills.

“Just taking a breather.” I smooth over my apron, continuing my pep talk in my head while Cameron goes off.

“You wannabes are all the same… Think you can come in here to pay the rent until you make it big, but half-ass the job and still want a full night’s pay.” He takes out his docket and starts writing me up.

Fucker. He knows that every strike takes nearly a dollar from my check, and it’s not like waiters are rolling in it to begin with.

“My mom’s been sick.” It’s out of my mouth before I knew I was thinking it. I haven’t seen my mom in years, but he doesn’t need to know that. He also doesn’t need to know that my imaginary mom’s cancer just happened in my head a second ago. “Stage four…” I let my voice trail off, nodding tragically.

And three, two… Yes! My eyes mist over on cue. The look on Cameron’s face is priceless. It’s like he’s already forgotten that I’m an actor first, waiter second. His shoulders droop, along with his cheap ballpoint pen and he stows the docket back in his pants.

“Oh, geez, I’m so sorry, Cara. I didn’t know.” He advances toward me, arms open like he’s coming in for a hug.

Every nerve ending in my skin shrieks in horror as I graciously sidestep the gesture.

“That’s okay. It’s not like I’m broadcasting it. I’m a private person, you know.” His eyes light up at this news. So creepy. But I lean into it, because whatever points I can score with him the better. “In fact, Cameron, you’re the only person I’ve told here. The only one I trust with it. I hope that’s okay?”

Big, doe eyes with only a slight downturn of my lips. That should do it. I blink, and it’s in the bag. Cameron smiles softly at me, nodding his understanding.

“Of course it’s okay,” he says. “I’ll give you five more minutes back here but then you’re going to have to get on the floor. Sorry, but it’s policy.”

“I’m ready now.” I shove my pad and pencil in the front pocket of my apron and start to make my way out. “I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness.”

“You can take however many breaks you need,” he calls after me.

I’m practically out the kitchen, so he doesn’t see the grin on my face as I push through the swing doors and into the club. Slam dunk, dickhead. And it’s exactly this arrogance that gets punched out of me when I walk slap bang into the last person on the planet I need to see.

“It smiles. I never would’ve guessed.” Edward flashes his signature smirk, blocking my path with the way he’s leaning against the wall.

I try to push around him but, despite his tall, muscular build, his reaction is lightning fast and he blocks me again.

“Mr. Spencer, please, I’m working.” His gray eyes bore into mine and it’s like I’m sucked in, held in place, with nothing more than the way he looks at me.

He plucks the black tie I’m wearing from where it’s tucked into my skirt and plays with it, tugging ever so lightly, making me close the gap between us. Making me. Because of course I don’t want that at all.
