Page 69 of I Blame the Dimples

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Body exploding for the second time this evening, I feel my eyes roll back in my head as pleasure overwhelms my senses. Finishing with a few jerky movements, Wes flops down beside me, the sound of our heavy breathing echoing off the stained walls of his dorm room.

“That was fun.” I roll to my side, giving the man beside me a little nudge. “Any chance we could do that again?”

Chuckling with his eyes closed, Wes reaches over and pulls me close. “We can do that all night, every night if you want.”

“Really?” Excitement weaves its way into my voice as I wiggle closer, reaching up to brush the damp strands of hair from his forehead.

“Really.” Feeling sedated and content, I place my palm over his chest and watch it rise and fall to the rhythm of his breathing.

“Who broke you?” The question blurts out of my mouth before I can think about shoving it back in. Nothing like ruining a nice moment with curiosity.

“Hm?” One green eye blinks at me, sleep and confusion mingling together.

“Who made you so paranoid about virgins?” I’ve already asked the question, so I may as well see it through.

Wes sighs and rolls onto his back, keeping one arm wrapped around me.

“Remember when you asked why my sister was my prom date?” I nod, eyes flicking to the grainy photo taped above his desk.

“She had been dumped by her first serious boyfriend about a month prior. We found out after they broke up that the punk not only spent months verbally abusing her but he gave her an ultimatum the night they broke up: have sex with him or they were done.” I fall silent, hearing the pain seep into Wes’ voice.

“She gave him her virginity, but it still wasn’t enough. He ended things that same night, and I found Lacey bawling her eyes out on the kitchen floor. Five days later she tried to take her own life.” I gasp quietly, looking at the picture of the playful girl executing a curtesy.

So full of life, yet so much sorrow hidden just below the surface.

My mind flashes to my roommate, and the scars lining her torso. It’s easy to forget the marks on the outside are nothing compared to the ones on the inside.

“I’m sorry.” I wrap my arms around the rookie to make up for everything my words fail to do. Wes leans into the embrace, as if the past is a burden he doesn’t want to carry any longer.

“The worst part? No one saw it coming.Ididn’t see it coming.” An angry glint shines in his eyes, and I wish I had the power to make it go away.

“It wasn’t your fault, Wes. I’m sure you did everything in your power to support Lacey in the aftermath, but you couldn’t force Lacey to leave a toxic relationship. Even if you did know what was going on, chances are you wouldn’t have been able to convince her to leave, especially if she’s any bit as stubborn as you.” A rueful smile plays on Wes’ mouth, and I know I’ve hit the nail on the head.

“You know, this guy once told me that here at Taber you can be anybody you want to be. Maybe it’s time to try the version of yourself that forgives the past.” I fall silent, hoping my words didn’t overstep.

“You’re right.” Wes shifts so we’re lying facing each other, nose-to-nose, on the bed. “I need to let go of the past. Nico’s been saying the same thing for a while.”

He exhales heavily, dark lashes fluttering against his pale skin. Why do guys have the nicest eyelashes?

“But if I were to say this new version of myself wants to be in a semi-stable relationship with a girl who can’t carry boxes to save her life, what would you say to that?”

My heart slows to a stop as emeralds sparkle back at me.

“I would say she needs a guy who isn’t afraid to bulldoze his way to her mother’s phone number.” Laughter rumbles from Wes’ large frame, and I find myself smiling to the point of aching cheeks.

“Well then, Miss One Trip. What do you say about being my girlfriend?”

I tap my chin in consideration, “I suppose that doesn’t sound too bad.”

Moving with the speed of a predator, I swing my leg over Wes’ waist and shift until I’m straddling him. Rubbing myself shamelessly on his hardened length, I shoot him a wicked grin.

“Contingent, of course, on your next performance.”



You didn’t think you would read this whole book without my POV, did you?
