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Sophie outlined the short call, punctuated with hisses and disbelieving snorts from her best friend. Her shoulders softened as Kelly mirrored her outrage and commiserated with her. In the harsh morning light, Doug’s call voice didn’t seem as harrowing as it had in the dark.

But no way was she healthy enough to start a new relationship––not even a landlord with benefits. Not even close. Talk about a wake-up call.

She handed Kelly a mug and inhaled the first healing sip of her own. “Well, there’s one more thing I need to share.”

Kelly gestured with her coffee for her to continue.

“Nick checked in again yesterday. He asked if we could start over, go to the movies…”

“Go. Absolutely go. It’s perfect timing.”

“I don’t know. I’m afraid I’m too much of a mess, and he is intense. It isn’t fair to either of us for me to get involved with him.” She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face.

Kelly shook her head. “He’s a great guy—he was wonderful yesterday after the accident. He’s also a big boy. He pursued you. And you said he’s known as Player of Laguna so it’s not like he’s looking for something serious either. Just be honest that you need to go slow. You told him about Doug, right?”

Sophie sipped her coffee, keeping her gaze averted.

“Right? Sophie, you haven’t told him about the wedding?”

Sophie ran her tongue around her teeth. “Well, when the heck was I going to tell him? He just takes…I don’t know, he just takes charge, and I didn’t manage to bring it up.”

“You need to tell him. You said you’re going to the movies tonight? Tell him before you go. Or heck, afterward. Just tell him tonight. If you’re going to date him, even casually, he deserves to know you’ve recently gone through a breakup and aren’t here just because of the book.”

“Okay, okay…enough about that.” She’d avoided his questions about her reasons for moving before because she wasn’t ready to open that can of worms. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you back? The train’s okay?”

“Okay, I’ll drop it for now. But I really do want to get a restraining order against Doug. I don’t trust him.” A crease appeared between Kelly’s brows. “And I’ll take the train. I don’t want to be in a car for a bit. Thanks, though.”

* * *

After droppingKelly off at the train station, Sophie headed to the yoga studio in an attempt to quiet her racing thoughts with some sweaty yoga.

She managed to slide in the door before it closed. Alyssa waved from across the room. Oh crap. Alyssa.

She was contemplating hooking up with Alyssa’s brother. Talk about awkward.

Would it impact their budding friendship? How the heck had everything gotten so complicated when she’d moved up to Laguna to simplify her life?

Fortunately, the teacher invited them to close their eyes and focus on their breath. Time to push aside her obsessive thoughts and focus on creating some calm inside. At least for an hour.

After class, Alyssa approached her. “Hey, how are you? Nick told me about the accident. Do you have time to grab a juice or even a bite at the bistro?”

“Hi, I’m fine, just a few bruises. I’ve got some catching up to do on my writing schedule. I don’t have time for breakfast, but I can grab a juice at the juice bar.” Maybe the antioxidants would repair the brain cells she seemed to have lost.

Alyssa entertained her with some funny snippets about last night’s terrible date. Apparently, the guy showed up in skin-tight acid-washed jeans à la Bon Jovi circa 1985, complete with a ripped tank top and black eyeliner. He’d evidently used a photo from twenty years prior on his online dating profile. Nice.

After sharing stories about their favorite nostalgic hair-band concerts—when Alyssa had been in elementary school, mind you––Alyssa had escaped under the pretext of an early work appointment.

How could someone as gorgeous and clever as Alyssa have a challenging time finding a partner? Were there any good guys out there?

Was Nick one of the good guys?

Would she be better off as the crazy old cat lady living with twenty cats and piles of books? Because right now she was careening down the fast track…


Nick arrived right on time, looking gorgeous in faded jeans and a white T-shirt. How did he always manage to kickstart butterflies in her stomach? Just by standing there with the setting sun framing him? She was in trouble.

He clasped her face in his hands and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Hi beautiful, ready to go?”
