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“Okay, but if anything out of line happens again, you’ll be packing up your office. And if Sophie Barnes calls on my office phone, you page me immediately. Are we clear?” Because he called bullshit on her “forgetting” to pass along Sophie’s message.

In the eighteen months Heather had worked for him, she’d been conscientious and forthright. But he had to trust whoever worked for him and Heather’s behavior was odd, at best. Was she purposefully deceiving him? And had she done it before?


“You can go.” He shuffled the papers on his desk and didn’t look up.

Without another word, Heather exited, closing the door softly behind her. He massaged the tight cords on the back of his neck. Shit, what a mess––he couldn’t lose the Pritzker now. Not after dedicating his life’s work to attaining his dream.


Sophie stretched her arms overhead, then opened her email for a quick break before diving into another round of writing sprints. A message from Elizabeth, her former boss atHealthy Woman, popped up first.Odd. She’d received her final paycheck, transferred her insurance, and wasn’t planning on writing any freelance articles for the foreseeable future.

She scanned the message and did a double-take. Elizabeth wanted Sophie to return to San Diego and take over the editor-in-chief position because she was considering moving out of state.

Not a chance. Not a chance in hell. At one point, Sophie had craved the masthead position. No longer. Sophie grabbed her phone and called her former boss’s direct line.

Elizabeth answered on the first ring. “Sophie. Tell me you’re going to be my replacement so I can feel good about leaving.”

“Hi Elizabeth, slow down. I’m flattered but I’m committed to writing my book So, no, I’m not going to take your job, I’m sorry.”

“Oh shoot, I thought you might be bored and eager to return to the business world. You’re such a great editor and such a people person. Everyone misses you here.”

“Thanks for saying that. I do miss you guys, but I love writing.” Funny, Elizabeth hadn’t been so complimentary when she’d been her boss.

“Aren’t you worried about finances now that you’re on your own? Why not write on the side and if you get published, then consider quitting.”

Sophie blew out a breath. “I appreciate your concern. If at the end of this year I haven’t accomplished what I want, I’ll reconsider then.”And thanks for the lovely vote of confidence with the “if” instead of “when.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that to come out so harshly. The job opportunity won’t be here then—the time is now. I respect your decision, but you can’t blame me for trying to win you back.” Elizabeth’s tone cooled.

Was she reckless to turn this down? “Thanks, I appreciate your confidence.”

“Okay, fine, but I think you’re making a mistake.” Elizabeth paused. “But there’s something else I need to tell you. Your ex came by here a few weeks back demanding that I give him your new address. Of course, I didn’t. I was shocked to see him after everything that happened. Have you heard from him?”

Her fingers tightened on the phone and her gut churned picturing her ex barging into her former workplace. Hadn’t he humiliated her enough? Elizabeth, like everyone else in her life, was aware of Doug’s infidelity and the wedding-that-never-was.

“Well, he did call me the other day from a blocked number. I shouldn’t have to change my phone number I’ve had for years because he suddenly wants to play nice.”The jerk.

Elizabeth gasped. “He sure has nerve. What did he want?”

She snorted. “Astoundingly enough, he asked to see me to discuss getting back together. Can you believe that?”

“Seriously? After cheating on you and ditching you on your wedding day? I hope you told him to go to hell.” Elizabeth’s outrage carried over the phone.

“Something like that. I just want to forget him. If he comes around again, I’d really appreciate it if you don’t share anything about me with him.”

“Of course not. Well, if you change your mind about coming back to the magazine in any capacity, please call me. I’ll let you know who ends up filling my role so you’re still in the loop. Good luck and take care of yourself.”

Sophie hung up and paced to the large picture window and stared out at the cloudless blue sky. No way would she allow the mention of Doug to affect her mood. But today, her emotions ran more toward anger than hurt. The man had demonstrated his true colors and he couldn’t hurt her again. Elizabeth’s offer was a surprise, though.

She’d focus on the positive––she’d resisted even considering returning to the sure-thing career position. If she caved at the first traditional job opportunity, she’d become one of the “if only” people. If only I hadn’t had to work full-time, I’d have written a book, if only I’d had time...fill in the blank. No way.

Because when she planted her butt in the chair and filtered out the rest of the world, the words flowed amazingly well. She twirled to the couch and pressed a kiss on Zack’s silky head. “You believe in me, don’t you Zack? And you love having me around more, right?”

Zack blinked slowly, then rested his head on his paws and dozed off again. The universal signal for her to get back to work.

Her phone buzzed with an unknown number. A chill danced down her spine: What if it was Doug again?
