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“You don’t mean that. Think this through. You’ve worked for years to earn that prize. To honor your dad’s memory.” Sophie stroked her hands down his arms.

“I’m the architect, for god’s sake. The prize is based on my life’s work. Sure, she helped me put together the package in a way that’s garnered me notice, but in the end, her connections to the committee shouldn’t be a factor.”

Was he trying to convince her or himself? “Are you sure? All I’m saying is don’t do anything rash.”

“You’re a sweetheart. I’ll make sure to check with my lawyer, but wrongful termination suits don’t go far in California unless there’s discrimination. I already talked to her about answering my phone and not giving me your message. I don’t need to deal with this. I can let her go for not doing a satisfactory job, and her treatment of you sure as hell isn’t going unpunished.”

Guilt nipped at her. “Maybe just give her a warning and if she acts like this again, then consider firing her? Give her thirty days or something?

“I just know of this woman who got fired atHealthy Woman, my old magazine, and she made life a nightmare for my boss for over a year with her frivolous sexual harassment lawsuit. Even though it got dismissed, she cost the company a lot of money and time. Went to the press. I’d hate for Heather to pull something like that because she sure seems like she has a vengeful streak.”

“Huh. I just want to throw her out on her ass for talking to you that way. You’re more important to me. I’ll check with my lawyer. Don’t worry.” His expression didn’t soften.

Sophie wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry about all of it. Let’s put her out of our minds. We don’t want to waste this yummy Cristal.”

Nick exhaled a deep breath and lifted his glass. “Well, are you going to tell me what we’re toasting to? One of the big New York publishers called with a book deal?”

“Ha––I wish. So here’s the good news. It isn’t that big of a deal, but my former magazine offered me the editor-in-chief position.”

“What? You’re moving back to San Diego?” He scowled.

She grinned up at him. “No, silly. We’re celebrating because I turned it down. I’m building my life here now. I’m sticking with writing my book. I’m proud of myself for staying true to my dream.”

“You scared me. I thought you were excited about leaving.” He tapped his glass with hers and they both drank.

Then Nick clasped her face between his hands, his eyes gleaming. “I love you so much, Sophie, and I’m the luckiest guy in the world to be with you.”

She caught his hand and tugged him toward the bedroom. “Let’s celebrate. Forget dinner for now. Grab the rest of that champagne…I’ve got some ideas.”

“Whatever my soon-to-beNew York Timesbestselling author girlfriend wants.” Nick snagged the bottle and followed her.

New York Timesbestseller had a fabulous ring to it. Today had been a rollercoaster but with Nick, she felt exhilarated for the ride.


In the morning, Nick smiled at the empty champagne bottle sitting on the nightstand. He’d never drink champagne again without reminiscing about sipping it from Sophie’s smooth belly. He stroked one hand along her skin––it was sticky from the alcohol––it would be rude of him not to clean off the last few drops for her. She arched into his hand, her lips curving up.

He shifted and scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bathroom. She giggled and wound her arms around his neck. He flipped on the shower and walked them inside. He released her and she squealed at the not-yet-hot water.

“Hey, I wasn’t ready to wake up yet.” Sophie wrapped her arms around her slender waist and leaned back against the tiled wall, attempting to escape the chilly water.

“Baby, but you had some champagne on your skin. Let me make sure you’re clean before I go.” He reached for the body wash and poured some into his hands.

“Oh, in that all means, proceed,” She murmured and lifted her arms overhead, baring her beautiful body for him.

He massaged her skin in long slow circles, teasing around her breasts and down her slick skin.

“Don’t miss this spot.” She pressed his hand into her center. “Can you give this spot some extra attention?”

Oh yeah, Sophie wasn’t afraid to show him what she wanted. He was ready for another round. She moaned and wiggled in closer, as hot and slippery as the shower was becoming. If this was committed love, he was sold.

After a long, hot satisfying shower, the last thing Nick wanted to do was head into the office and confront Heather, but he wasn’t going to deal with her bullshit anymore. Nobody would upset Sophie if he could help it.

On the way into his office, he called his lawyer buddy, Paul, who advised him to give her a written thirty-day notice and offer her a severance package to leave now. Before he pulled into his parking spot, Paul had e-mailed over the paperwork.

When he arrived at his office, he stepped out of his car and mentally prepared for a scene. When had Heather morphed from an efficient employee to a nightmare?

Best-case scenario—she would be professional and would resign and leave today. Sure, he’d need to get his ass in gear to hire someone but that’s what recruiters were for. Worst-case scenario—she took him up on the thirty days and did her job while looking for a new one and he’d be stuck with keeping her and Sophie separate.
