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“So how’s everything going with the book? With my brother?” Alyssa waggled her eyebrows.

Heat flooded Sophie’s cheeks at her most recent memory of Nick. Which would be TMI for his sister. “Great, all of it is progressing really well.”

“Well, thanks for taking a break and meeting me for yoga.” Alyssa reclined back and tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear. “For the record, I’ve never seen my brother like this with anyone.”

Joy bloomed in Sophie’s heart. “Really?”

“Let’s just say he came by his player nickname honestly. Not that he was a total man-whore or anything, but he made it clear to anyone he dated that he wasn’t interested in anything beyond casual.” Alyssa’s gaze grew distant. “After our parents died, he became so focused on taking care of me, and school, and his career, and I think he froze part of his heart.”

“I can’t imagine what that must have been like for you guys. I’m so sorry.” She leaned forward and patted Alyssa’s leg.

Alyssa shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah, it sucked. He’s my only family, though, and I love him with all my heart. We’re protective of each other, so if you aren’t as crazy about him as he is about you, don’t lead him on, okay?”

Sophie pressed one hand to her heart and her gut tightened—what if Alyssa found her to be lacking? Not good enough for him? “The feeling is definitely mutual. It’s all happened so fast. I mean, I was planning on taking a man-break for a year and then Nick showed up. But I’m working on trusting my intuition and it feels right with Nick.”

“Awesome, because I like you a lot and I love seeing him happy. I know we haven’t had a chance to talk much about your family. You’re an only child, right?”

“I like you, too. And I absolutely adore him. No, no siblings. I always wished for an older brother, though. It’s just my mom and me.”

“Your dad?” Alyssa arched a brow, in a gesture reminiscent of her brother.

“He left when I was five. I barely remember him.”Deadbeat. And yeah, her people-pleasing personality––correction, former people-pleasing personality––and steamer trunk of abandonment issues could be tied to him.

Alyssa patted her arm. “I’m sorry to hear about your dad. At least you have your mom, right? Does she live in San Diego?”

“Yes, she’s in San Diego, but we’re just not very close. I’m sorry…I should be grateful to have her. I don’t mean to be insensitive about your parents.” And no way in hell will I be introducing her to either of you anytime soon.

“Hey, we all have our complicated family relationships. Please don’t apologize. I’ve got my own trunk of issues, too but that’s what therapy and yoga are for, right?” One corner of Alyssa’s mouth quirked up. “Nick processes when he surfs, I think. But be gentle with his heart, please.”

“I’m in love with your brother. I’d never hurt him. And it’s funny, I feel you and I have known each other forever. It must be a Morgan trait.”

“Me too. We Morgans are awesome. This is awesome.” Alyssa glanced down at her watch. “I’ve got to run and get ready for work. I’m so glad we got to chat, and I’m thrilled about you and Nick.”

Her spirits soared. “Me too. It means a lot to me that you’re happy about us. Thanks for sharing more about your family.”

They rose and headed their separate ways. Between yoga and her discussion with Alyssa, she was in the perfect mood to head back to the cottage for a productive day of writing. Telling Alyssa about her dad hadn’t been as difficult as she’d anticipated. In general, she rarely discussed her childhood, except with a few of her closest friends, like Kelly.

At home, she showered, threw on an over-sized top, a pair of shorts, and brewed a pot of coffee. Leaving San Diego was the best move she’d ever made. That move had led her to take a chance to trust Nick. And she did trust him. Despite dating for less than a month, they were in love. He’d fallen in love with her—warts and all.

Would it matter to Nick she’d come from such a fragmented family?

A shudder ran through her at the prospect of Nick meeting her mom. No doubt Martine would embarrass her. Introductions could wait. Maybe next century? Complicated. It was all so complicated.

Part of the reason she’d left her job was to prove herself as a writer to prove to the world she could do it. To reinforce her self-esteem. On one level, she accepted she was worthy of love regardless of her accomplishments. On another level, her mom’s critical attitude had hammered in her need for external validation.

If she peeked in the rearview mirror, there had been signs Doug had eroded her self-confidence. His controlling behavior, his intractable insistence on her having a “prestigious” job, and his scoffing at her dreams, to name a few.

Now she felt like a fool, she’d allowed him to manipulate her. She’d ignored her gut and tried to make it work, despite misgivings because she’d loved him. Or at least she’d loved the man he appeared to be––the guy deserved an Oscar. And after all of it, he bailed.

The coffee pot dinged, and she shook off the negative memories. No more getting mired in the past. Her heart and gut assured her Nick was her present. And her future.

An engine purred up the driveway.Nick. Maybe she had conjured him up to her doorstep. A little morning loving before diving back into her book worked for her. When had she become so insatiable? It was all his fault.

She crossed to the front door, yanked it open before he could knock, and struck what she hoped was a seductive pose in her oversized San Francisco 49’ers jersey.

“Sophie, I’m so glad you’re home.”

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