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Sophie entered the royal blue office door. The moment she stepped into the foyer, Heather’s door opened, and she appeared.Of course she did.

Dressed in a skintight pencil skirt, stilettos, and a fitted low-cut red silk blouse, the woman looked more like a socialite than an office manager. Her polish and poise made Sophie feel like a gauche, awkward teenager in comparison.

Once she’d decided to find him, she’d thrown on some yoga pants and a tank top, with her hair bundled up on top of her head in a messy, and come to think of it greasy, topknot.


Score one more point for Heather.

“Sophie. What can I do for you?” A smirk marred her face.

“Is Nick here?” Sophie clung to her thread of self-control. Screaming at Heather for giving her address to Doug would not help her find Nick.

“Nick? You sure are persistent chasing after him. He’s not here.” Heather’s smirk deepened and she pivoted back toward her office.

Sophie gritted her teeth. “It’s urgent. He’s not answering his phone.”

Oh god, was she really pleading with this icy bitch? Yeah, she was. She wasthatdesperate.

“He’s out of the office for a few days.” Heather’s tone was smug.

Sophie’s pulse hammered in her throat. “A few days? Where did he go?”

“I’m not at liberty to share his schedule. If that’s all, please shut the door behind you.”

Sophie’s energy drained and she turned toward the door.

“Oh, by the way, how was your reunion with your fiancé? He sure was a hottie,” Heather called.

Sophie froze and her hands curled into fists.Enough.She’d had enough Heather.

The woman had the nerve to taunt her?

Spinning toward her, Sophie let loose. “Are you kidding me right now? You had no right to give out my address to anyone. No right. You are Nick’s employee so stick to doing your job and stay out of my business. Do you understand me?”

Heather’s jaw dropped, giving her an unpleasant expression like a cow chewing its cud. “I’ll do whatever I damn well please you little bitch. I run this office and Nick needs me. Now scamper back to San Diego where you belong.” She flicked her hand.

Sophie had hit her limit, and she’d be damned if some plastic over-filled doll was going to talk down to her. No way would she shrink from this confrontation.

She barked out a laugh. “Bitch? Wow, you’re so classy. Seriously, that’s hilarious coming from you. You’re just jealous. I’m sorry if I interrupted you searching the want ads since Nick has had enough of your unprofessional behavior.”

Heather sputtered. Sophie took advantage of her momentary speechlessness to get in the last word.

“Yes, I know all about your thirty-day notice. Good luck with your job search and have a wonderful rest of your day.” Sophie flashed an enormous grin and slammed the door behind her as she exited the office.

Oh. My. God. Did that really happen?

Would she wake up from this nightmare? In the last few days, she’d punched her ex-fiancé and won a nasty confrontation with Heather. Not to mention possibly screwed up the best relationship she’d ever had. At least she’d been able to articulate her feelings to Heather and make it crystal clear where she stood with Nick. Or used to stand with Nick.

Where was he? Although the last thing Sophie wanted to do was call Alyssa, at this point she no longer had a choice. Obviously, Nick hadn’t been surfing at his local spot for the last twenty-four hours. He’d left town.

Without a word to her.

But could she blame him? She’d left San Diego when she was unhappy, so she understood the need for a fresh perspective. But her heart ached.

Up until yesterday, she’d been happy, convinced the tough patch in her life had ended. Following her dreams with her writing, falling in love with Nick, and starting fresh in a new town. Now it all seemed too good to be true.

Sophie drove down one of the side roads and parked facing the Pacific. The ocean always soothed her soul, and today she needed to cultivate some inner calm. Inhaling a fortifying breath, she called Alyssa.
