Page 33 of Becca's Trouble

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As they contemplated their options, a rumble ripped across the night sky. Suddenly six helicopters—big ones—flew over them.

Her chest tightened. “Ours?”


“Emerich,” Becca whispered and turned to him, unnerved by the shock and dismay on Cameron’s face.

“His organization is much bigger than we imagined.” He pulled his phone out of his pack.

“What should we do?” She looked down at the bear who dropped to all fours and quickly ran into the trees, afraid of the helicopters and the thunderous noise they made.

“I’m not sure, but we must be close,” he said, staring down at the phone, then he shoved it back in his pack.

“Why is that?”

“The SAT phone isn’t working. Emerich’s blocking all communications.”

Becca took a deep breath. “So, if we go in…”

“We’re going in on our own.”


Awave of hopelessness filled Cameron. How could Emerich’s operation have grown this much in size and scope, and they not have a clue? Worse, where is he getting the kind of funding he’d need for an operation like this? He turned to Becca, his eyes probing hers. Did she know?

Her gaze narrowed. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?” He turned away looking out for the cave entrance and across the treetops.

“You don't trust me,” she said with hurt in her voice.

He turned back to her.Had she read him?“Of course I do.”

“You think I'm holding back.” Her gaze held his.

“Are you?” He needed to know the truth. “I always feel like you’re hiding something.”

“In this, I’m one hundred percent. If you don't believe me, then I'm wasting my time with you and the CTA.” She turned away from him and cinched the straps on her pack. She grabbed the side of the cave opening.

“Becca, what are you doing?”

“What does it look like I'm doing? I’m going down and I’m following those helicopters.”

“It’s still dark. You can’t go running into the forest at night, alone. There are a lot more than just grizzlies out there.” He saw her hesitation. “Look, I’m sorry. Seeing all the helicopters and knowing our phone doesn’t work threw me.”

“As I’ve said before, Emerich has people everywhere. In the government, probably in Congress, and definitely in our organization.”

“But you’ve never gotten an inkling of who it can be?”

“No. For all I know, it could be you.”

His eyes widened. “It’s not me. This team, this job has become my whole life.”

“And you’re getting close to losing it all. What will you do if that happens?” she asked.

She just verbalized his worst fear. He shook his head. “I don’t know. I refuse to think about it.”

“I think you better start.”
