Page 67 of The Better Choice

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“Maybe you will,” Finn said, shutting the door behind him. He glanced at his wife. “Not how I thought my Thursday would go,” he joked.

She shook her head in agreement. “Not by a long shot.”

“You okay?” he asked, staring at her strangely.

“Of course, why?”

“I just didn’t know if you were doubting your choice. I mean, the competition is pretty steep.” He jutted a thumb over his shoulder, pointing toward the door.

“I never doubted it for a second,” she assured him. It was the truth. The choice to love Finn had never been hers, it was ingrained in her DNA from the moment she met him. Love at first sight and all that jazz. She wasn’t sure if she believed in that, but Finn made her believe in everything: love at first sight, fairy tales, true love, and, of course, happily ever afters.

He pulled her into a kiss again, making her heart sing like it had every day since that first kiss.

“And theystilllived happily ever after,” he whispered in her ear as they heard tiny footsteps descending the stairs.

“Yes,” she agreed, placing her head on his chest and closing her eyes with one hand resting on the ever-growing bump beneath her shirt. “Yes, they did.”
