Page 60 of You Can Trust Me

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“And you told the police about the island?” I ask.

“Yes. But they never found anything. I mean, they found the island, obviously, but no women. No sea creatures.” He laughs at himself. Then, seeing we’re not laughing, his expression sobers. “It’s just an island. And, like I said, my uncle is in prison. He couldn’t have hurt her. And I certainly wouldn’t have.”

“If you didn’t, someone else could’ve.” It’s the first lead I have, and I have to follow it. I have to do something. “Do you remember where the island is?”

“Yeah.” He runs his tongue over his bottom lip. “Around about, anyway. It’s several hours off the coast. A day’s trip from here. Why? You don’t think someone took her there?”

My throat goes dry. I don’t want to think about it, but I have to know.

“What are you thinking?” Florence asks me.

I meet her eyes. “She wouldn’t have left me. I know it. I can feel it in my bones. Do you agree? Do you believe that?”

“You think they have her?” Zach asks. “You think someone is still trafficking people here?”

Ignoring him, I continue to talk to Florence. “Ihaveto look for her. It’s the first lead we’ve had this whole time. I can’t just pretend not to know about this, and I won’t be able to let it go until I know. She’s not on the ship. Her things are here. She’s not on the ship and she’s not in the water and she’s not on land. But she’s somewhere, Florence. She has to be. You can call me crazy, but I can’t give up on her.”

“Look,” Zach says, “I don’t know much about what happened to those girls my uncle took, but I know it happened fast. From what I heard from the police and from overhearing my parents, they didn’t stand a chance. If someone here took her, if they took her to the island, she’s already gone.”

“No,” I say firmly, snapping my attention to him. “No. I refuse to believe that. I’m not giving up on her. And if you loved her like you claim you once did, if you care about her at all, you wouldn’t either. So, will you help me or not?”

“I will,” Florence says. When I look at her, she nods, her voice steady and calm. “I’m in. Whatever you want to do.”

“And you?” I look at Zach again.

“I… I mean, I can go with you to the police when we get back, sure. Tell them about the island.”

“No. I don’t have time to wait.”

They both stare at me.

“I have to get to the island now. I have to find her.”

“What are you talking about?” Florence asks.

“I’m going to rent a boat. I’m not staying here a second longer.”

“Do you have any experience with boats?” Zach asks. “Any idea what you’re doing? I can draw you a map, but it’s not going to be completely accurate. Even if it is, it’s a day’s trip from here. You’d only be a few hours ahead of us. Why not just wait?”

“I’ve been waiting!” I cry. “You just said whatever happens on that island happens fast. We’ve still got all day here and then all day on the water tomorrow. Nearly two days until we’re set to be back at port. And then, it would take another several hours to get the police involved and make it to the island. We’re already behind. We may already be too late. I have to gonow.Will you help me or not? I’m not asking for permission.”

He swallows, nodding. “Fine. Yeah. Let me try to make you some sort of map.”

I look at Florence while he unlocks his phone. “You don’t have to come with me. You should go back, tell her parents what happened. Tell the police. If I haven’t made it back, someone should be there to tell people what we know.”

“No. I’m coming,” she says without hesitation. “You can’t do this alone.”

“It could be dangerous. Mae will never forgive me if I let something happen to you.”

“So then don’t.” Her smile is small. She understands how serious this is. She understands it may be a fool’s errand. That we may be chasing a theory that doesn’t pan out. “I’m going with you. No way I’m staying here. You’ll need me. You can’t do this alone. And, even if you can, I won’t let you.”

“Fine.” I don’t have time to argue.

When Zach turns his attention back to us, he nods at Florence. “I just sent you a map I drew on my phone. It’s not exactly…good, but it will have to do.”

She opens a text, staring at the screen. A few seconds later, my phone chimes. “Now we both have it in case one of our phones dies.”

“Thank you.” I study the hand-drawn map, trying to understand what I’m looking at. He wasn’t being modest when he said it wasn’t good, but I will make it work. Mae’s counting on me. I look at Florence. “We should go. We need to find a boat and get started before it gets dark.”
