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But I couldn’t stop reading.

I sassed him, and I ended up over his knee with my panties down. Corner time and everything. It sucked.

Another hard swallow. The whole surface of my body felt like flames of mortification had begun to lick across it, threatening to ignite my limbs.

Until,AZHotty wrote,it didn’t. I kept it positive: I looked on the bright side. I realized—Steve helped me think this through, BTW—that I wouldn’t have signed up for SA if part of me hadn’t known that I needed a man like him.

I shook my head slowly. My mouth, I realized, had opened again, and I had started to breathe in short, anxious pants.

Plus, and here’s the real reason to keep it positive, Steve only put moderate on his profile because he didn’t want gold diggers accepting him for the wrong reason. My sponsor and soon-to-be husband is a flippin’ billionaire.

My jaw went even slacker.

Like I said, I don’t want to make anyone feel bad. I just think it wouldn’t have worked out for me this way if I hadn’t kept it positive. Flame me, call bullshit, whatever. Just tryna help.

I frowned, pondering whether I could trust the story in the slightest. A quick glance down the replies indicated that the vast majority of other girls replying to AZHotty had indeed called bullshit on the story.

AZHotty herself had only made one subsequent post in the thread, which distressed me almost as much as it encouraged me. One of the associate members who had replied had called her out in a specific way, and AZHotty had declared herself innocent of the charge.

BadBitch8213 had written,This is such a load of crap. Any girl who thinks she can not put out, not do the nude pics, etc., and get a sponsor, even an economy one, should get her effin head examined.

AZHotty’s reply came in a single line:Did I say I didn’t do the nude pics?



I went back to the FAQ. Two thirds of the way through them, I found it.

Do I have to post nude photos on my profile?

It seemed like a very reasonable question to me, and whoever wrote Selecta’s answer to it also seemed to approach the matter from a reasonable standpoint. At least at first.

No. Putting nude photos on your profile is permitted, but absolutely not required.

Things got murkier, and—to me, anyway—less reasonable, as the answer progressed.

Many associate members find that they get better results if they do use the opportunity, provided by Selecta Arrangements free of charge in the comfort of their Selecta housing, to have intimate photos taken. We hear from many SA members that they appreciate the opportunity to see and to evaluate potential connections in that way. Your privacy is guaranteed: SA members are held to the highest standard of conduct, and moreover are financially liable—to Selecta and to you—for any violations.

“What the fuck?” I whispered, as if I didn’t want even my phone—or Selecta, through my phone—to hear. It got worse, though.

Note that associate members at the platinum level are required to post intimate photos. See the Platinum page for details.

I put my phone away and stared out the window. The bus stopped somewhere in Utah. There were a dozen or so of us, four or five of them young women about my age who had the same air I supposed I did, of mild dislocation. We didn’t speak, but I assumed they, too, had gotten caught up in the Selecta system and were on their way to LA for the same reason.

The rest of the passengers were men who looked like low-level management types or maybe veterans—or both. At the rest stop, I overheard snatches of a conversation between two of them: they had discovered that they were headed for the same Selecta water reclamation facility in Nevada, and they talked quietly about how good the pay would be, in comparison to what they could find in the Midwest.

“The megacorps, you know,” one of them said. “Say what you want, but they know how to run things.”

I watched a stupid action movie on my phone between Utah and Nevada. I had five rom-coms downloaded, but I refused to watch any of them because I knew they would make me think about Selecta Arrangements, and what would happen when we got to Beverly Hills. Could I still ask to be let off in East LA?

I couldn’t concentrate on the movie. I kept looking around at the other girls, all of them sleeping or watching videos like me. Were they going to Beverly Hills too?

The two water-reclamation guys got off in Nevada, soon after we crossed the border. My phone said we were thirty miles northeast of Las Vegas. Three of the young women got off there too, to my surprise. I thought I saw one of the water guys checking out the girls, and I wondered whether Selecta had programs within programs within programs—all designed to ensure the satisfaction of the affluent male consumer.

Most of all, it seemed, theplatinum-levelmale consumer.

As the bus pulled away, headed for California, I stopped the movie on my phone and went back to the Selecta Arrangements FAQ. My heart raced as I tapped the Platinum page.
