Page 72 of Jameson Fox

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Istep out of the elevator that’s brought me up to Adeline’s office and am met by her assistant. It’s only the third time I’ve been here, and I’m struck again by the understated elegance. Adeline has decorated with cream and muted pinks and greens. Instead of flash and glitz, she’s chosen carefully placed flower arrangements and artwork. It all works well to give an air of style and sophistication that aligns with her brand.

Vanessa lets Adeline know I’ve arrived, and I’m shown through to her office. It’s as elegant as the waiting area. The only added element is a chandelier above her desk.

“You’re late,” she says, straightening from where she was bent over her desk, and turning to face me.

My eyes are all over her body after walking in on her bent over like that. I don’t bother to remove them. I’m not sure I could even if I wanted to.

She’s wearing a red dress that’s stuck to her curves and made for my downfall.

I watch the rise and fall of her chest as she takes me in.

We’ve been playing this game for a week and a half now, ever since I fucked her. She would never admit it, but she likes my eyes on her.

Frowning, she says, “Why aren’t you dressed?”

We’re attending a black-tie birthday party for one of my business acquaintances. I was due here to collect Adeline twenty minutes ago but was delayed at the office going over Paulina’s latest update. After she left, I changed into a clean suit, so I have no idea what Adeline’s referring to.

“I’m dressed.”

“You’re half-dressed. Where’s your bow tie?”

“Fuck knows.” I detest bow ties and either misplaced mine or left it at home this morning. “Are you ready?” She looks ready, but she’s not giving me the impression she’s about to make a move.

Her lips press together for a brief moment before she lets out a breath. “You can’t go to a black-tie event without a bow tie, Jameson.”

“I can fucking do whatever I want. Now, can we please leave?”

“Do you really not know where it is?”

I shove my fingers through my hair. We’re already late and I do not want to be any later. Bill is attending this party and I want to discuss the Brown deal with him tonight. “Adeline,” I growl.

“Come with me,” she says, giving me a look of exasperation.

She then brings those curves and that fucking perfume she refuses to stop wearing my way. I follow her out of her office, hoping like fuck that whatever she’s planning won’t take long.

She leads me into what appears to be a clothing and prop storage room and rummages around in boxes for a couple of minutes. It’s hell on my dick having her bent over like this again.

Finally, she stands and turns to me, holding up a bow tie. “Come here.”

Wanting this over with, I do as ordered.

“The next time we attend a black-tie event, make sure you come dressed,” she says as she moves in close and gets to work securing the bow tie in place. “This wasn’t listed in my wife duties.”

“I can think of other things you’ve done that weren’t on that list either and I don’t recall you complaining about them.”

The blush on her cheeks hits me low in the gut.


She finishes with the bow tie and meets my gaze. “There. We can go now.”

The fact I’d rather stay here and bend her over her desk doesn’t escape me.

The other thing that doesn’t escape me is the fact I’ve never allowed a woman to have any hand in dressing me, and fuck if I didn’t like Adeline taking charge.

As we walk down to my car, I attempt to push all the thoughts of what I want to do to her out of my head.

I don’t succeed.
