Page 126 of Owen North

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Charlize: I may need many snacks tonight to process this.

Owen: I’ll ensure I have what you need at my place in case we stay there tonight.

Charlize: How will you know what I need?

Owen: Trust me, I know your favorites.

Charlize: I forgot, you’re a stalker.

Charlize: Are you having a good day?

Owen: I’m behind on a million things. You?

Charlize: I just met Jessica Kingsley. My day is at one hundred.

Owen: Did you meet Jack too?

Charlize: Oh, yes, he was here too.

Charlize: My mother is motioning at me like she either has constipation or she needs my help. I’m hoping it’s not constipation she needs my help with. I better go. I’ll see you at yoga tonight.

It’s only later, when I think about this text conversation, that I realize I texted Owen about my gala girl epiphany. Usually, I would text that kind of thing to Poppy or Dylan.

* * *

Momand I work through the afternoon, finishing up at four p.m. I go home after that, shower, and get ready for the yoga class Owen and I are taking at seven thirty. I hang out with Dylan for a while, catching up on the art he’s made this week and the travel he’s got coming up to show his art. He and I are in the middle of a discussion over his work plans for next year when Owen calls.

“Hey, you,” I answer, smiling as I think of him.

“Hi,” he says, and I instantly hear his stress.

“What’s wrong?”

“Two things. I can’t make it to yoga tonight, sorry. Something’s come up here and I have to work late with Julian to fix it.”

“It’s okay. I get it.”

“I hate canceling on you. Particularly when I also have to cancel the Harry Styles concert.”

“Oh, okay,” I say slowly. I’m absolutely more disappointed about the concert than the yoga class.

“I got a call from the Bluestone Award people today. They’ve invited me to a dinner that’s on that night. Only one person gets the call for this dinner, and that’s the person who always goes on to win the award. If I don’t attend, I won’t have any chance of winning.” He pauses. “I’m sorry, Charlize.”

“I understand, Owen. You don’t need to apologize for this. I know that award is important to you.”

“Going to the concert was also important to me,” he says, his voice revealing the honesty in what he’s saying. “I hope you know that.”

“I do.”

“Okay, I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

After we end the call, I stare at my phone for a long time, lost in thought.

I understand why Owen can’t come to the concert, but disappointment isn’t something you can just wipe away. I’m really disappointed about this. I’d even narrowed my outfits down and selectedthe one.

Next time.

There’ll be many more concerts for us to attend when he’s not busy with work.
