Page 5 of Dark of Night

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The case had brought national attention, but Sean’s death over the edge of the cliff had stopped Mason from interrogating the man.

“Mason and I haven’t found any evidence that Sean was involved with any other deaths. We’ve gone through phone and computer records, but unless we discover another computer or a cache of evidence, we’re dead in the water.”

There had been several suspicious disappearances in the forest in the past year, but authorities hadn’t been able to discover what had happened to the campers. They could have fallen in the cold water and drowned or gotten lost and never made their way back out. Annie had hoped the discovery of Sean’s guilt in the deaths of the two teenagers would lead to more.

She started to run a finger through the thick dust coating the car, then thought better of it in case they needed to dust for prints. “I’m not a car person, but this has to be an expensive ride.”

Kade nodded. “At least sixty grand.” He forced his bulk through the foliage to examine the front. “No collision damage or anything. It’s strange.”

Annie peered through the dusty windows. She pulled on latex gloves. “I’m going to see if the car is unlocked.”


With just the tips of her fingers, she tried the handle and the door popped open. “I’m in.”

She poked her head into the tan interior, which still held the aroma of new leather. In spite of the dust on the outside, she didn’t think the car had been used much. She opened the glove box and withdrew the registration. “Belongs to Michelle Fraser. Address is that new condo complex in Rock Harbor out on Whisper Road.”

“Pop the trunk,” Kade said.

She pressed the button and listened for the trunk release before she got out. Kade reached the trunk first, and she heard his quick intake of breath. “What?”

“A bloody sheet. Someone lost a lot of blood.”

She joined him and saw the crusty blackish-red mess on the sheet. It was the only item in the trunk. “Maybe not enough blood loss to be fatal. We need to see what we can find out about Michelle and how this car got out here.”

“I think we start by talking to management at Whisper Creek Condos. And we can check out her residence. I’ll call Mason. If it’s foul play, this is his case.”

Annie always hated to give up a case, but Kade was careful to follow protocol, which was why he was the boss. She’d be likely to plow ahead with an investigation and circle back to Mason later.

Kade withdrew his phone and placed the call. “Got a situation here, Sheriff.”

Annie listened with one ear to Kade’s explanation. She walked around the car and inspected the ground to see if she could spot any footprints or other clues in the loose gravel and soft dirt, but it was hard to say how long the car had been parked here.

Taylor’s claims broke through Annie’s efforts to focus on the task at hand. Could her search for her sister really be over? And did Annie even want to believe it when the woman clearly blamed her for the circumstances of her life? But everything in Annie wanted to fully understand what had happened and what Sarah had gone through. Her doubts would be resolved in a week or so, but in the meantime, what could she do?

Kade’s wife, Bree, had offered Taylor a place to stay until more was known about the situation. Annie’s first impulse had been to let her use the cabin where she’d been living, but she couldn’t risk Kylie’s safety. If Taylor/Sarah hated her enough, she might use Kylie as a weapon. And they still didn’t know how Taylor got that necklace she planted in the shed of the property Jon’s fatherowned. Had she been involved with Sean? The questions meant she couldn’t be trusted yet.

The hostility in the woman’s eyes during the interrogation had been all too telling. While Annie held loving memories of her sister, Taylor felt nothing but rage and contempt.

Kade ended the call and walked over to join Annie by the hood of the car. “Mason is going to the condo at eight in the morning. He said if you wanted to join him, he wouldn’t say no. He’s shorthanded today. I need to get back to the office, so it’s your baby.”

“I’ll meet him.” She grimaced. “Honestly, I need something to occupy my head while I wait for the DNA test to come back.”

He nodded. “I get it. Let me know what you find out.”

She followed him to the SUV for the drive back to town, then shot Jon a quick text about meeting him for dinner later. His perspective on Taylor’s claim would be interesting.


Jon Dunstan’s face hurt from smiling as he drove back from Houghton. He’d sent his references and résumé last week to Houghton Orthopedics, and at their first meeting, he and Dr.Mike Willis had connected right away. Mike had called all the references and had spoken to patients and to other area doctors.

Jon found a spot in the gravel lot at Tremolo Marina and Cabin Resort and parked. The scent of a wood fire from the RV park burned his nose, and the dulcet tones of someone playing a guitar outside one of the cabins and the hum of motors out on Lake Superior added a relaxing backdrop on this beautiful June day.

He got out and headed for Annie’s cottage. How should he tell her? Just blurt it out or wait for the appropriate time? Maybe telling her in front of Kylie wasn’t a good idea. Her daughter had kept him at arm’s length ever since they’d met.

He still found it hard to wrap his head around the fact she washisdaughter.

It wouldn’t be news Kylie would want to accept. Jon was trying with the girl, but it was hard when she couldn’t stand him. He’d never been around kids much, and bonding with her wouldn’t be easy.
