Page 62 of Dark of Night

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Daniel rose and paced the living room. “Don’t take this wrong, Annie, but don’t you think we should have positive proofof this? If only for Kylie’s sake. What if she finds out you never verified the results? It shouldn’t take long, correct?”

Annie went hot and then cold. “You think I’d lie about something like this, Daniel?” Her words came out more choked and betrayed than she wanted. “I didn’t want to think it could be true. Jon had walked out of my life, and I didn’t want to consider Nate might not be her dad. It couldn’t be anyone but Jon.”

“And he’s been told he can’t have kids. Can’t you see how important it is to make sure?”

Jon sprang to his feet, too, and faced his dad. “The only reason we’re telling you now is so you can make sure Kylie is taken care of if something happens to both of us. We could have both died tonight, and Kylie would be alone.”

Daniel stopped pacing. “You know I want nothing more than to have grandchildren. I would take care of Kylie no matter what, but you need to think things through. I’m an attorney down to my bones. Someday proof might be necessary, so why not run that test now?”

Jon strode past his father and took Annie’s hand. “Let’s go, Annie. I’m sorry I put you through this.”

His immediate defense of her soothed her pain enough that she could see a glimmer of truth in Daniel’s advice. Jon hadn’t immediately accepted the news either—he’d brought up what he’d been told when he was sixteen after a bad cycling accident.

She laced her fingers with Jon’s. “I’ll admit your dad’s reaction wasn’t what I’d hoped, but maybe he’s right. Would your extended family have doubts when they hear? And what about Nate’s family? When they’re told, they might demand more proof than a test that showed Nate wasn’t Kylie’s father.”

Jon stiffened, and his green eyes narrowed. “Are you saying this so you can delay telling Kylie?”

“What? No, of course not.” But she’d take any delay she could get. “It’s only a few more days to have the test showing the proof. There’s nothing wrong with your dad’s suggestion.”

Daniel stepped to her side and put his hand on her shoulder. “I’ve made no secret of how much I care about you, Annie, and that won’t ever change. Whatever you decide is fine with me. I already love Kylie, so it’s not that. I’m trying to look out for your best interests in the future.”

She searched his gaze and saw the truth there. “I know. Thank you.”

A flash of movement at the bay window caught her eye, and she spotted Sarah running off toward the lighthouse. Had she beenspyingon them? And the bigger question was this: How much had she overheard?


Jon wasn’t sure he wanted to provide a DNA sample. Would Annie think he didn’t believe her? If the situation were reversed, he’d be offended.

He had talked Annie into a short walk along the shore, hoping the scent of the trees and lake would blow away his anger. Or was it anger? Maybe more disappointment that his dad hadn’t welcomed Annie and Kylie with open arms. Oh, he’dsaidthe right things about loving them, but his doubt about what Annie had said was shocking.

The moonlight glimmered on the water as they wandered along the lake’s edge. Jon glanced at Annie’s profile as she stared toward the lake.

“I’m sorry it went that way,” he said. “You’re quiet.”

She straightened and looked his way. “I saw Sarah outside the window. I think she might have overhead us talking about Kylie.”

He absorbed the news. “She might tell Kylie before we do.”

“I want to wait until the test comes back. I’ll have to go talk to Sarah and ask her not to say anything. It’s not going to be easy. I should probably do it now, but I’m not sure what to say. She’ll take joy in hurting me.” Her voice quavered.

Jon searched her eyes with a steady gaze. “Let’s just tell Kylieand make sure she doesn’t hear accidentally. She won’t ask to see a test, Annie. She’s eight. She’s not going to question what you tell her.”

“She won’t take this news easily. I think you’re misjudging how much it’s going to matter to her.”

“And I think you’re seeking any excuse to put off telling her.” He tried to keep from raising his voice, but his frustration increased.

“I know my daughter,” she said stiffly.

“She’s my daughter too! You seem to keep forgetting that. I missed out on her first eight years because you didn’t want to face the truth. Now that it’s here and staring you in the face, you’re still putting it off. I’m tired of waiting, Annie.”

“I’m not going to talk about it anymore tonight. We’re both tired, and we’re starting to say things that will hurt later. Go to your room and get some rest. I’ll wait until morning to talk to Sarah. I’m too upset right now.”

“I don’t get why you are so reluctant to spill the truth. Let’s just get it over with, push through the mini-drama that will come, and get on with the rest of our lives. I hate how we’re stuck in limbo.”

She jerked her hand away and headed for the steps up the hillside to the lighthouse. “It’s easy for you—you aren’t from here. You won’t have to face longtime friends and see judgment in their eyes. You don’t have to call Nate’s family and spill the news.” Her voice shook.

He hurried after her. “They never come around anyway. Nothing says you have to tell them.”
