Page 66 of Dark of Night

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The sun was barely up as Jon jogged along the water’s edge early Thursday morning. The orange and golden hues spread out over the treetops and hillside behind him and touched the water with color. His bare feet slapped against the wet sand, and air pumped through his lungs in a satisfying rhythm. The humid air was a warm blanket against his skin. Jogging helped calm his mind and center his concerns.

And he had plenty of concerns. A lot was riding on what happened today. Annie planned to tell Kylie the truth. If it went badly, would Annie blame him for pushing her into it before she was ready?

He rounded a corner and hit the beginning of a thick forest fronting Rock Harbor. Birds sang good morning in the trees and added to the melody of the waves rolling to shore. The fresh air washed away the ordeal of the night before, and by the time he turned around to run back into the village, he felt ready to tackle whatever the day brought.

The sound of a motorboat blew toward him on the breeze, and someone yelled, “Hey, Doc!” He shaded his eyes with his hand and watched a Boston Whaler head his way. With the sun in his eyes, he couldn’t make out the features of the pilot, but the man sounded frantic as he yelled for help.

“I need help, Doc! My girlfriend is injured.”

In his jogging shorts he waded into the water as the boat drew as close to shore as possible. The water was freezing cold, and he bit back a gasp at its frigid grip. “What’s wrong?”

“Broken leg,” the guy called.

Rock Harbor was a small town, so Jon wasn’t surprised his identity was known. Everyone knew everyone else’s business. “I’m coming.”

He had no instruments, but he could assess the woman and immobilize her leg to help get her to the hospital. While he had no privileges at Rock Harbor General, he could turn her over to someone as soon as they got there. He waded out to his waist and grabbed the ladder aboard the boat. He was glad to leave the cold grip of the lake. Superior never really got warm, but it always surprised him how cold it was under the surface.

He clambered onto the deck. “Where’s the patient?”

He turned at movement behind him, and his eyes widened when he took in the ski mask on the pilot’s face. He barely had time to register the oddity before something came down on his head, and he toppled to the deck. His vision darkened, and he shook his head and tried to regain his focus.

As the man’s legs came into view, Jon reached out and snagged his ankle, and the guy fell heavily beside him. Jon shook away the last of his blurred vision and staggered to his feet. The man sprang up, but before the guy could tackle him, Jon leaped over the side of the boat. He slogged through the cold waves toward the shore before he turned to see the man heading to the console. Moments later the boat roared away.

It all happened so fast that Jon couldn’t make out any name or number on the boat. All he knew was the brand. There were plenty of Boston Whalers out on Superior.

Why would someone try to grab him? The broken leg was the perfect ruse to get him to come running.

He started back the way he’d come. Sailboats and other watercraft floated off to his right, but he didn’t see any other sign of the Boston Whaler. As soon as he reached town, he headed for the sheriff’s office.

Mason was exiting the station when Jon arrived, and he stopped when he saw Jon. “You look rough. Your head is bleeding.”

Jon touched his temple, and his fingers came away red and sticky. “I was attacked.”

Mason’s expression was grave as he listened to Jon’s story. “I saw a similar story up in Ontonagon. It happened last night to another orthopedic surgeon.”

“You mean the guy might have been telling the truth about someone with a broken leg? Why else would he specifically target surgeons who could fix it?” Jon shook his head. “But we couldn’t do much without supplies. I wouldn’t be able to even set a simple break that didn’t require surgery unless I had at least a splint and elastic wrap. Who was the other surgeon?”

Mason named a doctor Jon wasn’t acquainted with. At least it wasn’t Mike.

Mason jerked his head toward the jail entrance. “Make a formal report, and I’ll get it out to other law enforcement. It’s a very strange case.”

The strangeness of it struck Jon in a new way. “Mason, remember that picture of Michelle? I’m pretty sure she had a badly broken leg. You think it’s possible this guy is trying to take a doctor to her?”

Mason frowned. “That’s a weird way to handle it when she needs surgery.”

“He might think she just needed it splinted. With the right supplies any of us could do that.”

“I guess it’s possible.”

“What about my car?”

“You can have it back. The state tech guys have gone over the electronics and couldn’t find out how the perp did it. There was no obvious trail back to who hacked in. They think it was through the power locks.”

“That’s what Annie thought too. I’ll make the report and pick up my keys. It’s in the impound lot?”

“I’ll have Doug bring it to you while you fill out the report.” Mason stopped to send a text to the deputy. “And have someone take a look at that head wound. You might need stitches.”

“I’ll go see Dr.Eckright.”

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