Page 96 of Dark of Night

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“She’s cooperating, but she doesn’t seem to know anything about the shelter or have any knowledge that Hussert had Michelle confined in the cabin. She’d picked up Sarah because she was Sean’s cousin, then panicked when she realized Sarah was trying to take Kylie. She took her to the cabin to give Hussert time to get out of the state. At least that’s what he told her. She passed a polygraph test about it, but I’m still considering charging her. I hope to know more when Hussert regains consciousness. It appears he’s going to survive.”

“And Sarah?”

“She’s in jail, but you can get her out on bond. Child abduction charges.”

Annie closed her eyes and hung her head. It would take a miracle to get Sarah out of this trouble. And Annie wasn’t even sure if she wanted to have anything to do with her sister now.

“I wanted to make her smile again.”Her daughter’s words echoed in Annie’s mind. Children found it easy to forgive and go on. It would take Annie longer, if she even managed it.

Jon reached over and took her hand. “We’re grateful for all you’ve done, Mason.”

Mason unfolded himself from the chair and rose. “Glad this all ended well.” He paused a moment. “Anu said it was okay to tell you—her CA-125 was 553.”

Jon winced, and Annie knew that meant bad news.

“Some women with other inflammatory issues have an elevation of CA-125,” Jon said. “But coupled with the ultrasound, I’m glad she’s going in for surgery.”

“It’s next week.” Mason headed for the door. He passed Mike in the doorway and eased the door shut behind him.

Mike eyed Jon sitting in the chair. “The nurses tell me you’re the demanding sort, asking to be let loose. Let me see how your lungs and heart sound, and we can see about that.”

He unslung his stethoscope from around his neck and listened to Jon’s chest and back, then replaced the scope. “You’re a lucky man, Dr.Jon Dunstan. When you’re fully recovered, we’ll talk more about you coming to work with me. For now, rest and recuperate.”

Annie straightened and reined in her jubilation. Having a new position would go a long way to making Jon settle in here. She knew the uncertainty weighed on him.

Jon’s green eyes gleamed, and he sat up straighter. “Thanks, Mike, that sounds good. Can I get out now?”

“You don’t want to wait until morning?”

“I’d like to sleep in a comfortable bed tonight.”

Mike turned toward the door. “I’ll write the release order. Come see me in a week.”

Once the door shut behind him, Annie rose and leaned over to kiss him. His beard was a bit scruffy, and his brown hair stood on end, but his kiss was as loving and steady as she could ever want. He pulled her down onto his lap to kiss her properly. She sank into his embrace and felt truly safe for the first time in weeks.

His green eyes smiled when he finally broke the kiss. “Things are looking up. I might be able to support you after all.”

“Maybe I’ll support you,” she teased.

He rested his chin on her head. “You can do anything you set your mind to do.” His expression faltered. “Unless Olivia’s problems follow me here.”

His breath warmed her as he nuzzled her neck. “Let’s get you home, Dr.Dunstan.”

“How about your place? I don’t feel like having Dad and Martha hover over me. We can have pizza and popcorn. I’ll even promise to watchLittle House on the Prairiewithout complaint.”

She chuckled and circled her arms around his neck. “I think that can be arranged. Kylie has been sleeping with me anyway, and you can have her bed.”

She’d focus on the future once she found out what role Hussert played in the events of the past few weeks. Now that Kylie knew the truth, Annie could finally see a path through the trees. It was a future she had only been able to dream of for so long. But maybe it was actually coming their way.
