Page 38 of Break of Day

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If she tried to contact Annie, she’d be unlikely to take the call. And Sean was dead. Bree was on vacation. That didn’t leave anyone in her address book, so it was a moot point.

Max came toward the shore, and Sarah stood to intercept him. The dog barely lifted his head at the movement before he plopped back and closed his eyes.

Max’s smile always lifted her spirits. “You look chipper today.” He offered her a water bottle dripping from the cooler.

She took the bottle and uncapped it. “Thanks.”

His gaze went to the dog sleeping behind her. “Where’d the pooch come from? It’s skinny.”

“I found him at an abandoned campsite. I think he might have belonged to the woman your workers found and took to the hospital. He was tied up, and it’s hard to say how long he was without food or water. His name is Scout.”

Max winced and went past her to stoop and pet the dog. “I’ve always liked goldens.”

“He’s a sweetheart. Listen, we need to figure out how to gethim back to his owner. Could I use your phone to call the hospital and let her know I’ve found him? What was her name?”

“Actually, I’ll call for you. One of my guys can take the dog to her.” He retrieved the phone from his back pocket and placed the call.

When he turned his back on her to walk a few feet away, she sidled that way too. After all she’d been through with the dog, she wanted to make sure he got through to his owner. She couldn’t make out the woman’s last name.

“Oh, she’s gone already? This is Max Reardon, and my men brought her to the hospital. We found her dog and wanted to return him to her. Could you give me her contact information? A phone number or address? Yes, I’ll hold.”

He wasn’t looking at Sarah as he dug out a tablet with a stylus and prepared to take down the info. It appeared they were getting somewhere. He jotted down something and ended the call. She quickly stepped back a few feet and knelt to pet the dog so Max didn’t know she had been eavesdropping.

She thought she saw irritation on his face as he moved back to her side, but when he smiled, she decided she was mistaken. His genial expression was the same as always.

“They didn’t have a number for her but I have an address. I’ll have the dog returned to her.”

“What about her belongings? I was going to pack them up for her, but they were gone.”

“I had my men see what they could find. I’m sure they discovered the site like you did. When did you find the campsite?”

“Just after lunch.”

His long stride moved toward the house. “I’ll have Dennis deliver everything along with the dog.”

The thought of not seeing Scout again hurt her heart. “Could I go too? I’d like to make sure everything goes okay.”

He frowned and shook his head. “You’re supposed to be in hiding out here. We don’t know where Hussert’s friends are, but we know they are after your sister too. She barely escaped yesterday.”

Sarah put her hand to her chest where her heart had stuttered. “Is Annie okay?”

“She’s fine, but two men boarded a boat she was on last night. They were looking for her and they had assault rifles. They meant business. If someone happened to see you with Dennis, your location would be blown, and we’d have to find somewhere else to hide you. In good conscience I can’t allow you to go.”

It wasn’t what she wanted to hear, but she understood the logic of his argument. “Okay. When are you taking him?”

“Not until tomorrow. We have a storm rolling in.” He nodded to the sky out over the water where black clouds loomed. The scent of rain freshened the air. “It’s supposed to be bad.”

She’d have one more night with the dog. “I’ll take him with me so I’m not alone tonight.”

“Of course. Feel free to come back for dinner at six.”

“Thank you.” She didn’t want to make any promises. The little cabin was beginning to mean a lot to her.


Though the back room of the jewelry shop was spotless, it reeked of a rotten egg smell. Jon waved his hand in front of his face and shook Henry’s hand as he stood from his jeweler’s bench, which looked more like a desk. “What died in here?”

Henry gestured to some jewelry on the desk’s surface. “Liver of sulfur for a nice patina on the silver ring I’m working on. Yous get used to it. Did you get the ring, eh?”

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