Page 45 of Break of Day

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Time to move. She texted Mason first, then while West’s voice helped drown out the sound of their movements, she and Jon rushed from the shelter of the woods and got to the broken-down steps before he realized they were there. The song ended, and he reached behind him.

Annie whipped out her gun. “Freeze! I’m park service law enforcement, and I have a few questions for you. No hasty moves. Stand up with your hands in the air.”

He complied, and Annie nodded for Jon to disarm him. Jon pulled a revolver from a holster behind him and stepped back.

“What do you want?” His tone was mild in spite of his gruff appearance. Intelligent hazel eyes studied her. “Do I know you?”

“I don’t think we formally met on the catamaran you boarded Thursday night.”

His eyes widened. “You’re the ranger?” His gaze darted away, and he took a step back.

He’d just admitted they were looking for her. She motioned to the chair. “Have a seat. I want some information. How well do you know Glenn Hussert?”

He settled in the chair and propped one boot on the other knee. “Glenn and me go way back. We’re cousins.”

“Hunting buddies?”

“Sure, we go out sometimes. With a hunting license, of course.”

“You have any other friends who join you?”

“Sometimes.” His cautious tone told her he wasn’t sure where this was leading.

“Sean Johnson?”

“Not since he’s dead.” He snickered as if he’d made a great joke.

Annie didn’t smile. “Did Sean come with you a lot?”

“Some. Not every time.”

“What was your usual quarry?”

“Deer, moose, squirrel, rabbit. You name it, we took it and ate it.”

Could they have been hunting campers? They’d suspected something heinous was going on for some weeks, but they had no proof. Maybe these guys were out for a little “fun” and chased lone hikers, but did they do something more than that?

“You have any records of the illegal moose hunts?”

“They got seized when I was arrested for it. Never returned them.” He yawned. “If that’s all you got, I’d like you to leave. This amounts to police harassment since I’ve done nothing.”

The faint sound of a siren wafted through the trees around the place. He must have realized what she planned because he leaped from his chair and dove off the edge of the deck.

She brought her gun up and yelled, “Freeze!” The man ran like the wind, and she went after him, but he disappeared into the trees. She and Jon split to search for him, but he was gone, leaving only the shivering of leaves in his wake.


After a quick lunch at the Suomi, Jon watched Annie go into the jail to consult with Mason about what they’d learned from Joel West. Jon wandered across the street to a park bench and sat down. Sparrows flocked around his feet in search of scraps, but he had nothing to give them. The aroma of flowers hanging from baskets on the lampposts mingled with the freshness of the air after the storm last night.

He pulled out his phone and contemplated playingPokémon Goso he had something to trade with Kylie when she got home, but he wasn’t in the mood. His thoughts swirled with plans for the future.

His decision about his future continued to nag at him. Mike wouldn’t wait much longer.

His phone vibrated with a text from Henry, and Jon blinked at the unexpected message ofIt’s done.Already? Henry had just started yesterday morning. He must have worked long hours yesterday.

He jumped to his feet and hurried down Houghton Street to Jack Pine Lane and turned toward the glimpse of blue lake. When he opened the door to Jack Pine Jewels, Henry lookedup from behind the counter and smiled. Dark rings rimmed his brown eyes, and his white hair was mussed as if he hadn’t combed it this morning.

“Did you even sleep last night?” Jon asked when he reached the display case.
