Page 5 of Break of Day

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Kylie sniffed the air. “That smells good.”

“Jon is fixing us orange chicken.”

“You wouldn’t let me have it at the restaurant the other day.” Kylie’s voice vibrated with outrage. “It has gluten.”

“Not this one. Jon said he found a good recipe.”

Kylie followed Annie across the soft grass toward the back deck of their cottage. “Does he have to come over every night? I miss being with you by myself.”

Annie stopped at the bottom of the deck steps and pulled her daughter in for a hug. “I thought you liked Jon after he saved your life. That should count for something, honey.”

Kylie stiffened in Annie’s embrace. “I like him fine, but he’s never really going to feel like my dad.”

Would Kylie ever adjust to the truth that Jon was her biological father? She clung to Nate’s memory with everything in her, and Annie couldn’t fault that. Until a few weeks ago, she’dthought he was Kylie’s father too. It was a sea change of tsunami proportions for them both.

Headlamps swept over the grass, and they both turned toward the parking lot as a big SUV parked. Two people got out, and Annie straightened when a familiar voice called her name.

Kylie squinted in the dark. “Grandma?” She ran toward the figures.

Annie’s chest compressed as the realization sank in that Nate’s parents were here. Without warning and without her being prepared to tell them what had happened. This wasn’t the way the truth was supposed to come out with them. She’d wanted to wait until Jon’s DNA test came back for absolute confirmation in case they wanted to see it, and it was due anytime now. Yet here they were.

She shot a glance through the window toward Jon moving around in the kitchen. Running wouldn’t work, though everything in her wanted to bolt for the safety of her truck.


Kylie’s beaming face as she hung on her grandparents after dinner shattered Annie’s heart. This was Nate’s parents’ usual behavior—an unexpected visit laden with gifts followed by a quick departure and long silences.

Jon’s surprise orange chicken had fallen flat with Kylie, who barely touched her food because she was so eager to dive in to the gift bags her grandpa Lars had hauled into the living room. Maryanne claimed they’d eaten already so they hadn’t touched the meal either, but she’d peppered Jon with questions about what he’d been up to for the past nine years. Jon and Nate’s friendship had existed since their teen years, and Maryanne hadn’t given any indication she suspected Jon’s presence was more than a casual visit.

Annie tried to encourage Jon with sounds of delight about the food, though she barely tasted the bite of ginger in the meal over the taste of fear on her tongue.

Kylie put down her fork. “May I be excused?”

Annie started to order her to eat more, but it would be a waste of breath. “Go ahead. I’ll be right there.”

Jon’s wink as he rose and gathered dishes from the table withhis good arm told her he appreciated the effort. He brushed her cheek with a kiss. “Go ahead, love. I’ll clean up.”

She ran her fingers through his brown hair. “Leave them for now. I’m going to need moral support. Kylie won’t stay quiet about what’s happened. We both know it’ll come spilling out.”

He removed his hand and carried the dishes to the sink. “I’m right behind you.”

How did she deserve him? He was strong and kind, and his green eyes were always so steady and tender.

Her wobbly legs didn’t want to support her as she stood, nodded, and headed to the living room. Kylie sat snuggled up against Maryanne, who had her arm around the little girl as if she would never let her go. And the funny thing was, Annie believed they did love Kylie. But life got in the way and they let other priorities push contact with their granddaughter to weeks, even months, with no call.

Annie sat across from the sofa and folded her hands in her lap. “Looks like you’ve got presents, and it’s not even your birthday.”

Maryanne’s light-brown hair brushed a chin line with no sagging skin. She had a subtle tan from their recent trip to the Caribbean.

She leaned forward and picked up the first pink package. “We found this in Turks and Caicos. I think you’ll like it.”

With a squeal Kylie ripped the paper out of the bag and yanked out a stuffed sea turtle. She hugged it to her chest. “I love it!”

She plowed through the other four bags: a sundress with vivid Caribbean colors, a hammock from Cozumel, an amber bracelet, and a beautiful conch shell. With her booty surrounding her on the floor, Kylie appeared happier than Annie had seen herin a while. It wasn’t the gifts though—it was the attention from Lars and Maryanne.

Jon had entered while the focus had been on Kylie, though Annie didn’t think anyone else noticed him slip in and sit on a chair against the back wall. His presence grounded her and steadied her for the moment she knew would come sooner or later. If only there was some way to keep Kylie from blurting out the truth, but no eight-year-old knew how to hold back anything important.

Kylie sprang to her feet with the gifts in her arms. “I’m going to try on my dress.” She scurried toward her bedroom door.
