Page 88 of Break of Day

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“We’re so blessed to have gotten a second chance.” Annie sat on the bench by the bank of flowers and patted the space beside her. She waited until Sarah settled. “We’re going to get married next weekend. Neither of us wants to wait, so that means making plans quickly. I have to tell Kylie yet when she gets back. Bree and the gang stopped for a late lunch but should be here within the hour. So I thought I’d better get those plans going. I need a maid of honor.”

Sarah gave an inane bob of her head. Nothing like twisting the screw to bring her here and tell her she was going to ask Bree to be her maid of honor. But it was okay. She’d cheer on her sister from the back of the church and try not to make any ripples.

Annie handed her a small box. “I’d like you to wear this when you stand up with me.”

What did she mean? Sarah’s head hurt too much to fully track what Annie meant, so she opened the box and stared at a beautiful yellow necklace flanked by blue. “Is that a goldfinch?”

“It is.” Annie leaned in closer and touched the stones. “The bird is made from sea glass from our beach, and the blue stones aresapphires that match the ones in my ring. Henry made me three of them while I was missing. One for me and one for Kylie. And one for my maid of honor.”

One. Two. Three.Sarah’s mouth dropped open.“Wait, are you askingmeto be your maid of honor?”

“Of course I am. You’re my sister. Kylie will be flower girl and wear one, and I’ll wear one too. So we can always remember God’s faithfulness. He sent a goldfinch to comfort Kylie when she was trapped and alone, so we know he is with us. The necklace is a reminder of that.”

Sarah’s eyes burned.Don’t you dare cry.But the tears spilled down her cheeks anyway. “I—I thought you’d ask Bree.”

“I would have if you hadn’t come home. I love you, Sarah. I’ve always loved you. We’re going to move past everything as a family.” Annie’s voice wobbled, and her eyes filled with tears too. “I never want to be without you again.”

Sarah flung herself into her sister’s embrace and let the tears fall against Annie’s blue tee. “I’m so sorry for everything, Annie. So sorry. I was a little crazy or something. I believed so many things that I see now were wrong.”

Annie held her tight. “I forgave you already. It’s in the past, Sarah. Let’s make wedding plans and forget about it. I’m going to sign the marina over to you. It’s more than I can handle, and you’ll do a great job with it. I’ll teach you everything I know, but you’ve always loved the cottage. The loons don’t even give you the creeps the way they do me.”

Sarah pulled back and wiped the moisture from her face. “But where will you live? You and Jon and Kylie?”

A smile lifted Annie’s tired face. “We’re buying a house! It’s one Kylie and I have always loved. It’s going to take a lot of workto bring it up-to-date, but I don’t mind. I’ll take any help you want to offer. We have wallpaper to strip and floors to refinish. And painting. Lots of painting.”

“I can do that!” Was this all true or some kind of wonderful dream? Sarah couldn’t believe Annie would welcome her into her life so completely. A series of beautiful impressions spooled out in her mind: Christmases with the family, jumping off the dock with Kylie, painting with Annie, and taking charge of the marina. Her own business.

Her jubilee faded. “What about the kidnapping charges?”

Annie smiled. “Daniel is working with the attorney, and Mason thinks the charges will be dropped. Your help in bringing the hunting group to justice will help. It will take a little time, but we think it will all work out.”

Annie had told her God was good, but Sarah knew she had so much to learn yet about that goodness. And she was ready to learn.


Annie sat with Jon behind the mirror looking into the interrogation room. The tiny viewing room smelled of Mason’s burnt coffee and mints. It was dark except for a glow from the computer screen and a clock. Annie scooted her chair closer to the window and studied the occupant in the other room.

Max looked rough with bruises and contusions on his arms and face. His wounds had been mostly superficial, and the hospital hadn’t held on to him long. They didn’t want to deal with all the security if he didn’t need the nurses’ care.

Max was unshackled and sat in a relaxed posture on a chair,with his hands folded in front of him on the table. He wore an orange jumpsuit, and his salt-and-pepper hair was unruly. He surely knew Annie was watching him as he stared defiantly right back at her through the two-way mirror.

Annie wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to close her eyes and not see his face as he was ready to shoot her dead. The man she’d liked and trusted was a monster behind his handsome exterior. He’d probably already lawyered up, but at least Anu would try to penetrate his guard.

The door opened and Anu entered. She paused and waited a moment. “Max,” she said in a soft voice.

When Max saw her, the indifference fell off his face, and his posture changed to tense and expectant. Clearly he hadn’t been expecting Anu to show up. Did he think she’d come to bail him out or help in some way? He had to know better.

“Anu, you need to leave. Now,” he said.

The plea in his voice was hard to miss. And who could blame him? No one would want to face a pure soul like Anu when his sins had been found out in such a public way.

Anu went around to the other side and pulled out a chair. “I asked Mason to let me speak to you alone. I did not think he would allow it, but he made a special concession for his mother-in-law.” Her long gaze swept Max’s head and down his arms. “You were injured by a grenade?”

Max’s head bobbed. Annie had never seen him so discomfited and uncomfortable. He was usually the master of any social situation and worked to put other people at ease. His wealth had always given him a stature, but that had left him now, and he seemed shriveled and defeated in this drab room.

Anu folded her hands and leaned forward. “Why, Max? Theman I thought cared about me should have been incapable of something like this.”

He shrugged, but he couldn’t meet Anu’s gaze. “I can’t answer that because I can’t remember exactly how it started, Anu. I am sorry you’re hurt though. I’m not sure why you’re here. You already told me we didn’t have a future. I doubt you’ve changed your mind now that I’m in here.”
