Page 64 of Kansas

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“Honey, can you grab me another pack of diapers?” Kali asked. Walking into the closet, I grabbed a pack, then handed it to her.

“How long has Payne been here?”

“Oh, he showed up an hour ago. What happened to your face?”

Sighing, I shook my head. “It’s fine, babe.”

Watching her change Jasper, I hugged Jaxon to me. He was such a happy boy. Both were. Nothing seemed to faze them. Both content wherever they were.

“You want to tell me why Montana sent Payne here?”

“Not really.”

“Have anything to do with the lockdown and why I have a house full of guests?”

“Drop it babe, please.”

“Alright, Kansas,” she said, zipping up Jasper’s sleeper. Picking him up, we both walked over to the twins’ toddler beds, laying them down. Covering up Jaxon, I quickly kissed his forehead before getting up and doing the same with Jasper.

Fuck, I loved these boys. They were so much easier than their sister. Easy to please and laid back. They were a trip too. Identical down to the light spray of freckles across their button noses, they were the spitting image of their mother.

“Who’s got Tanner?”

“Mrs. Worthington is giving him a bath. I swear he was wearing more spaghetti than he ate.”

I smiled. “Wished I could have seen that.”

“Did you eat yet?”

“Not really hungry, babe. Just wanted to see my kids and you.”

“PREZ!” A loud squeal had me cringing, right before Hellraiser ran into the twins’ room and jumped into my arms as a firm, angry voice yelled not far behind.

“Where is she?!”

Sighing, I looked at Talia and asked, “What did you do now?”


“My ass,” I muttered, as Cassidy marched in holding a slingshot in her hand. I didn’t need to ask. I already knew. Holding out my hand for the offending weapon, I apologized, “Cassidy, I will take care of it. Thank you.”

“She’s a demon!”

“Yes. I am aware of that fact.”

Cassidy said nothing more as she turned to walk away, rubbing her backside. Kali slowly turned to me, staring daggers.

Shit, this was not good. Smirking, I asked, “You want to take care of this one, or should I?”

“If I get my hands on him, you’ll be needing a new brother. I’m going to check on Tanner. Fix this or I will!” my woman shouted angrily, as she too walked away. Left alone with the little demon, I whispered, “Are you trying to get me killed, kid?”

Hellraiser shrugged her little shoulders before laying her head on my shoulders.

After depositing Talia in her room and threatening her within an inch of her life, I headed downstairs to find the reason for all my problems tonight.

Seeing a potted plant with rocks in it, I grabbed a nice round rock and slipped into the leather cup of the slingshot. Pulling back, I took aim and let the rock fly.

