Page 67 of Kansas

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Narrowing my eyes at him, I said nothing as I watched my brother make himself comfortable in my house and kitchen. Fucker didn’t believe in boundaries and wasn’t shy about imparting himself where he wasn’t wanted. Trigger was a solid brother. I could always count on him for anything. One of the youngest brothers, Trigger, came to the club about a year ago and never left. He didn’t talk much about his family or where he came from, but neither did the rest of the brothers. I knew Trigger would talk when he was ready.

“Hellraiser still asleep?” he asked, sitting down at the breakfast bar.

I nodded, wondering why he cared so damn much. I got that the club brothers liked the kids, but it seemed Trigger was taking it to the extreme.

“Sorry about the slingshot.”

“You need to apologize to Cassidy.”

My brother mumbled.

“I mean it, Trigger. Apologize to Cassidy and no more weapons.”

“I hear ya.”

Curiously, I asked, “Trigger, why are you so invested in Talia?”

His head snapped up. “What do you mean?”

“From day one, it’s been the Trig and Talia show. The two of you are always together. Hell man, you are twenty-three years old and yet when you are with Hellraiser, you act like a child. What gives? Help me understand, because Kali is ready to put a stop to it all and frankly, so am I. Got love for you, brother, but Talia is only three years old. She should be with kids her own age and yet, she prefers hanging out with you. And you encourage it.”

Trigger nodded, then whispered, “I had a sister, Everly Rose. God, Prez, she was so damn beautiful. I remember when mom had her. She was so small. I just remember holding her for the first time and something just clicked inside me. I just knew.”

“Knew what?”

“That she was mine. Not in the fucked-up way, more like she was my responsibility. Mine to protect, you know. For so long it was just me and then there was Everly Rose. Mom wanted to call her Amanda Jane, but I wouldn’t let her. I named her Everly Rose and from that day forward, I lived and breathed my baby sister. Fuck Prez, she was smart as a whip and fuck me, she loved to laugh and have fun. Everly Rose was just a bit older than Talia is now when we learned she had leukemia. One minute my family was happy and the next we weren’t. I was eighteen years old when my parents got Everly’s diagnosis. I tried to stay in school, but Everly was so sick. She didn’t want mom or dad to hold her, only me. I didn’t think. I dropped out of school in my senior year and held Everly through every chemo and radiation treatment imaginable. It was horrible, Prez. Every time she cried, I cried with her. I tried to ease her pain any way I could, but by the time we found her cancer, it had spread everywhere. The doctors tried everything they could, but it wasn’t enough. It was two days before Everly’s fifth birthday, and she wanted to go outside and sit in the grass. So, I carried her outside and we had a picnic. We just sat there in the warm sun as a soft cool breeze blew around us. The birds were chirping and flying around. It was a beautiful, perfect day. I looked down at my sister and she smiled at me before she took her last breath.

“The days that followed were a blur. I don’t remember much but a few weeks after her death, I was sitting in her room, holding one of her stuffed animals, when I saw a drawing on the floor under her dresser. Picking it up, I smiled. It was of me and Everly Rose with her favorite doll. My sister went nowhere without that damn doll. I even buried her with it. Everly would tell me stories of her adventures with her doll all the time. I thought nothing of it. Until I met Talia.”

“I don’t understand.”

Trigger looked up at me with tears in his eyes. “Everly named her doll Talia. So, you see Prez. That’s why I’m so invested in your daughter. Somehow, some way, when I’m with Talia, I feel as if I have a part of my sister back.”

Well shit.



I stood rooted in my spot, unable to move as I listened to Trigger talk to Kansas. My heart broke for the lovable goofball. All I wanted to do was wrap him in my arms and make everything better for him.

No parent, let alone a sibling, should ever have to go through the horror of burying a child. I couldn’t imagine the grief Trigger’s parents were dealing with day to day. I wonder if Trigger still kept in contact with his parents. I hope he did. It was bad enough they lost their daughter, but to lose him too was unthinkable.

Knowing I couldn’t stay eavesdropping in my hallway, I wiped the few tears I had away, straightened my shoulders and plastered a smile on my face before greeting them both. “Good morning, everyone.”

“Hey,babe,” Kansas replied, snagging my shirt, pulling me towards him for a kiss. Releasing my lips, I smiled warmly at him before turning to Trigger. “Good morning, Trigger.”

“You’re being nice. Why?” Trigger narrowed his eyes, frowning. “You’re not kicking me out, are you?”

“No,” I grinned, patting his back as I headed to the coffee machine. “I have something better in mind for you.”

Kansas chuckled. “You’re in for it now, brother.”

Trigger looked worried.

“What’s on the agenda today babe, because I need to head to the clubhouse for a bit.”

“Chief Longfeather is coming today to cleanse the house. He is bringing some members of the tribe to help. Then we will have the barbeque afterwards. So, I’ll need you and the brothers back by one o’clock,” I informed, as Cassidy marched out of her bedroom, dressed and ready for the day, shooing me away from her domain.
