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“Yes,” she says, fixing her glasses.

“Okay, good. I’m done today,” I say, and leave my office.

These days, I’ve been making a point to be home for dinner. That was actually Whitney’s idea, to make sure we’d have dinner together most nights. Sometimes I have to meet her at an event she’s covering, or she has to shuffle her schedule a bit. But we always come back to each other, and that thought keeps me energized all day.

I finally have that spark—that love. That someone to come home to.

I rush to my car, and during my drive, ignore any work related calls. Ever since Whitney waved her magical digital wand at Dallas Proper, the hotel has been a hit. Our numbers have been excellent, the occupancy rate increased and the restaurant has become a local’s favorite. All because of her… my wife.

I park my car in the garage, and enter our home. Our new home… that we bought together.

I smell the spices of Italian herbs swirling around me, and look at the oven. There’s a casserole of some kind in there. The housekeeper cooks, but Whitney has also started to try a new dish here and there.

“Hey there, stranger,” she says, popping into the kitchen, wearing an apron around her summer dress.

I pull her into my arms and kiss her.

She swipes her tongue over mine, and soon, our mouths mesh into a hot, never-ending kiss. We’re both breathing hard when I disengage my mouth from her. “Miss me, huh?” she whispers.

“Always.” I kiss her nose.

“I got you a little gift,” she says, then walks up to a drawer and produces a box from it.

I frown. It’s my favorite designer brand, but the rectangular box is small to fit a shirt. I open it, and look at the silky, cobalt colored tie. “Nice.”

“Look on the back,” she says, her gaze following my every move.

I lift the tie, and on the back, there’s an embroidered part that readshottest dad ever.


I tilt my head, trying to make sense of what I just read. Could it be?

Apprehension lumps in my throat, my heart skipping a bit. I stare at her, and with tears brimming her eyes, she nods.

And it’s like I just shot through the finish line of a long, endless race. “Are you sure?” I ask, my voice wavering a bit.


We haven’t used any birth control for the past few weeks, because we decided to try for a baby. A part of me was worried that was a dream I never had a chance to fulfill… and now it’s become a reality.

Our reality. A surge of joy travels through me. I can’t wait to see her with a big belly, carrying our baby. She’ll be a great mom, I’m sure.

“I love you,” I say, and pull her close, my eyes on hers.

She circles her arms around my head, and smiles at me. That beautiful, bright smile I can’t have enough of. “I love you too. And now, there’s more to love.”

“Thank you, Whitney,” I say, emotion slipping through my voice. “For everything.” I still can’t believe she gave me so much—and I hope I’ve done the same for her.

She rests her forehead against mine. “I could say the same. This has been the best year of my life,” she says, and there’s a softness in her voice that rings true. Like she’s finally at peace with the world. I can relate.

“And it’s only getting better,” I say. We kiss, and then a thought comes to mind, and I withdraw for a moment. “It just occurred me… I’ll be the one telling Charles he’ll be a grandfather.”

She laughs, her infectious sound reverberating through me. She knows her dad will be okay with it, just as he became comfortable with our relationship. But the idea he’ll be a granddad to my child will definitely be good teasing content for the next family events.

“Maybe we can name the baby after him if he’s a boy,” she says.

“My girl is always thinking ahead…” I say, then kiss her again, and this time, with no intention of letting her go.
