Page 157 of Slap Shot Seduction

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I looked up at Joe.

Instead of seeing the hockey player who needed my help with his anger issues, I saw the gorgeous man who picked me up with ease, pinned me against a wall and kissed me.

All ethical lines were blurred and blown up.

And I thought for a moment Joe was going to kiss me again.

Right in front of Bethany and Herbert.

Instead, he inched down just a little so he could whisper to me.

“I need to see you later, Anna. I’ll text you.”

Joe turned and shook hands with Herbert, then walked Herbert out of the office.

The phone rang and Bethany went to answer it.

I somehow managed to stumble my way into my office.

I shut the door and locked it.

And just like in the hotel room after Joe left, I slid down to the floor.

I sat there, trying to catch my breath.

I had a feeling the next time we saw each other, a kiss wasn’t going to be anywhere enough for either of us.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I walked down the sidewalk,hands in my pockets, head halfway down.

There were other things to be doing right now.

A night off from all of hockey at home meant plenty of trouble to find.

And not the kind of trouble that had me tossing dudes through windows.

Both Jago and Rome wanted to raise hell and chase women.

Henry offered to treat me to dinner at some fancy steakhouse.

I didn’t hear from Sebastian or Atlas. Not that I would expect to.

They were long gone.

Women. Love. Family.

All that stuff.

What was I doing?

I was secretly meeting my psychologist on the beach.

She’s not Dr. Autumn tonight.

I had to see it for myself to know for sure.
